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GPG Keys
Since 2.067.0 dmd binaries and git tags are signed by D's release managers. The following GnuPG keys can be used to verify those signatures.
pub 4096R/0xAB8FE924C2F7E724 2014-09-01 [expires: 2020-03-25] Key fingerprint = AFC7 DB45 693D 62BB 472B F27B AB8F E924 C2F7 E724 uid Martin Nowak (dawg) <[email protected]> uid Martin Nowak <[email protected]> uid Martin Nowak <[email protected]> uid Martin Nowak <[email protected]> sub 4096R/0xB273811612BB1939 2015-02-27 [expires: 2020-03-25] sub 4096R/0xA78068C444E12E4D 2014-09-01 [expires: 2020-03-25] pub 2048R/0x5004F0FAD051576D 2016-01-29 Key fingerprint = BBED 1B08 8CED 7F95 8917 FBE8 5004 F0FA D051 576D uid Vladimir Panteleev <[email protected]> sub 2048R/0x3850E93043EBB12C 2016-01-29 pub 4096R/0x2055F76601A36FB0 2015-11-24 [expires: 2026-03-23] Key fingerprint = 8FDB 8D35 7AF4 68A9 428A CE3C 2055 F766 01A3 6FB0 uid Sebastian Wilzbach <[email protected]> uid Sebastian Wilzbach <[email protected]> sub 4096R/0xFEB1F8D40328010D 2015-11-24 [expires: 2020-11-22] pub 4096R/0x65394AFEF4A68565 2018-03-26 [expires: 2020-03-25] Key fingerprint = F771 5881 4C19 E5E0 7BA1 079A 6539 4AFE F4A6 8565 uid DLang Nightly (bot) <[email protected]> sub 4096R/0x318B84C8855CCD65 2018-03-26 [expires: 2020-03-25] sub 4096R/0xD2EDBA9B3200C132 2018-03-26 [expires: 2020-03-25]
You can also download them as keyring file.
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Ddoc on Thu Jul 5 08:53:11 2018