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Class dmd.func.DeleteDeclaration

class DeleteDeclaration
  : FuncDeclaration ;


builtin dmd.func.BUILTINset if this is a known, builtin function we can evaluate at compile time
closureVars dmd.root.array.Array!(dmd.declaration.VarDeclaration)local variables in this function which are referenced by nested functions
ctfeCode CompiledCtfeFunctionPimplLocal data (i.e. CompileCtfeFunction*) for module dinterpret
eh_none booltrue if no exception unwinding is needed
endloc dmd.globals.Loclocation of closing curly bracket
fbody Statementfunction body
fdensure FuncDeclarationfunction that does the out contract
fdrequire FuncDeclarationfunction that does the in contract
fensure Statementlowered out contract
fensures dmd.root.array.Array!(dmd.func.Ensure)*out contracts
fes ForeachStatementif foreach body, this is the foreach
flags uintFUNCFLAG.xxxxx
foverrides dmd.root.array.Array!(dmd.func.FuncDeclaration)functions this function overrides
frequire Statementlowered in contract
frequires dmd.root.array.Array!(dmd.statement.Statement)*in contracts
fthrows dmd.root.array.Array!(dmd.mtype.Type)*Array of Type's of exceptions (not used)
generated booltrue if function was generated by the compiler rather than
gotos dmd.root.array.Array!(dmd.statement.GotoStatement)*Gotos with forward references
hasReturnExp int1 if there's a return exp; statement 2 if there's a throw statement 4 if there's an assert(0) 8 if there's inline asm 16 if there are multiple return statements
inferRetType booltrue if return type is to be inferred
inlineNest int!=0 if nested inline
inlineStatusStmt ILSsupplied by the user
interfaceVirtual BaseClass*if virtual, but only appears in base interface vtbl[]
introducing booltrue if 'introducing' function
isArrayOp booltrue if array operation
labtab DsymbolTablestatement label symbol table
mangleString const(char)*mangled symbol created from mangleExact()
naked booltrue if naked
nrvo_can booltrue means we can do NRVO
nrvo_var VarDeclarationvariable to replace with shidden
overnext Dsymbolnext in overload list
overnext0 FuncDeclarationnext in overload list (only used during IFTI)
parameters dmd.root.array.Array!(dmd.declaration.VarDeclaration)*Array of VarDeclaration's for parameters
returnLabel LabelDsymbolwhere the return goes
selector dmd.objc.ObjcSelector*Objective-C method selector (member function only)
semantic3Errors booltrue if errors in semantic3 this function's frame ptr
shidden*hidden pointer passed to function
siblingCallers dmd.root.array.Array!(dmd.func.FuncDeclaration)Sibling nested functions which called this one
storage_class2 ulongstorage class for template onemember's
tintro Typeif !=NULL, then this is the type of the 'introducing' function this one is overriding
tookAddressOf intset if someone took the address of this function
v_argptr VarDeclaration'argptr' variable
v_arguments VarDeclaration'arguments' parameter
vresult VarDeclarationresult variable for out contracts
vtblIndex intfor member functions, index into vtbl[]
vthis VarDeclaration'this' parameter (member and nested)


addComment Add documentation comment to Dsymbol. Ignore NULL comments.
apply Iterate this dsymbol or members of this scoped dsymbol, then call fp with the found symbol and param.
arraySyntaxCopy Do syntax copy of an array of Dsymbol's.
buildEnsureRequire Rewrite contracts as statements.
buildResultVar Declare result variable lazily.
canInferAttributes Decide if attributes for this function can be inferred from examining the function body.
checkClosure Check that the function contains any closure. If it's @nogc, report suitable errors. This is mostly consistent with FuncDeclaration::needsClosure().
checkDisabled Issue an error if an attempt to call a disabled method is made
checkDmain Check parameters and return type of D main() function. Issue error messages.
checkForwardRef Check that this function type is properly resolved. If not, report "forward reference error" and return true.
checkModify Check to see if declaration can be modified in this context (sc). Issue error if not.
checkNestedReference In the current function, we are calling 'this' function. 1. Check to see if the current function can call 'this' function, issue error if not. 2. If the current function is not the parent of 'this' function, then add the current function to the list of siblings of 'this' function. 3. If the current function is a literal, and it's accessing an uplevel scope, then mark it as a delegate. Returns true if error occurs.
factory Create instance of class specified by the fully qualified name classname. The class must either have no constructors or have a default constructor.
findTemplateDeclRoot find function template root in overload list
findVtblIndex Find index of function in vtbl[0..dim] that this function overrides. Prefer an exact match to a covariant one.
functionSemantic Resolve forward reference of function signature - parameter types, return type, and attributes. Returns false if any errors exist in the signature.
functionSemantic3 Resolve forward reference of function body. Returns false if any errors exist in the body.
genCfunc Generate a FuncDeclaration for a runtime library function.
getAccessModule Determine which Module a Dsymbol is in, as far as access rights go.
getLevel Determine lexical level difference from 'this' to nested function 'fd'. Error if this cannot call fd.
getModule Determine which Module a Dsymbol is in.
getParameters Return the function's parameter list, and whether it is variadic or not.
hasNestedFrameRefs Determine if function's variables are referenced by a function nested within it.
hasPointers Is Dsymbol a variable that contains pointers?
initInferAttributes Initialize for inferring the attributes of this function.
inNonRoot Returns true if this symbol is defined in a non-root module without instantiation.
inUnittest Returns true if function was declared directly or indirectly in a unittest block
isAbstract Override so it can work even if semantic() hasn't yet been run.
isMember Returns an AggregateDeclaration when toParent() is that.
isMember2 Returns an AggregateDeclaration when toParent2() is that.
isNested Determine if function needs a static frame pointer.
isReturnIsolated See if pointers from function parameters, mutable globals, or uplevel functions could leak into return value.
isThis Determine if function is a non-static member function that has an implicit 'this' expression.
isTypeIsolated See if pointers from function parameters, mutable globals, or uplevel functions could leak into type t.
isUnique If there are no overloads of function f, return that function, otherwise return NULL.
leastAsSpecialized Determine partial specialization order of 'this' vs g. This is very similar to TemplateDeclaration::leastAsSpecialized().
mergeFensure Merge into this function the 'out' contracts of all it overrides. 'out's are AND'd together, i.e. all of them need to pass.
mergeFrequire Merge into this function the 'in' contracts of all it overrides. 'in's are OR'd together, i.e. only one of them needs to pass.
needsClosure Look at all the variables in this function that are referenced by nested functions, and determine if a closure needs to be created for them.
needsFensure Determine whether an 'out' contract is declared inside the given function or any of its overrides.
oneMember Determine if this symbol is only one.
oneMembers Same as Dsymbol::oneMember(), but look at an array of Dsymbols.
opCmp Compare with another Object obj.
opEquals Test whether this is equal to o. The default implementation only compares by identity (using the is operator). Generally, overrides for opEquals should attempt to compare objects by their contents.
overloadExactMatch Find function in overload list that exactly matches t.
overloadInsert Overload this FuncDeclaration with the new one f. Return true if successful; i.e. no conflict.
overloadModMatch Find function in overload list that matches to the 'this' modifier. There's four result types.
overrideInterface If function a function in a base class, return that base class.
overrides Determine if 'this' overrides fd. Return !=0 if it does.
search Search for ident as member of s.
searchLabel Labels are in a separate scope, one per function.
searchX Search for identifier id as a member of this. id may be a template instance.
setGC The function is doing something that may allocate with the GC, so mark it as not nogc (not no-how).
setImpure The function is doing something impure, so mark it as impure. If there's a purity error, return true.
setScope Set scope for future semantic analysis so we can deal better with forward references.
setUnsafe The function is doing something unsave, so mark it as unsafe. If there's a safe error, return true.
syntaxCopy Copy the syntax. Used for template instantiations. If s is NULL, allocate the new object, otherwise fill it in.
toAlias If this symbol is really an alias for another, return that other. If needed, semantic() is invoked due to resolve forward reference.
toAlias2 Resolve recursive tuple expansion in eponymous template.
toFullSignature for diagnostics, e.g. 'int foo(int x, int y) pure'
toHash Compute hash function for Object.
toParent parent field returns a lexically enclosing scope symbol this is a member of.
toParent2 parent field returns a lexically enclosing scope symbol this is a member of.
toString Convert Object to a human readable string.


Walter Bright


Boost License 1.0