- multiple declarations
Function BitArray.opOpAssign
Support for operator op= for BitArray
Function BitArray.opOpAssign
Operator >>=
void opOpAssign(string op)
size_t nbits
) pure nothrow @nogc
if (op == ">>");
Shifts all the bits in the array to the right by the given number of bits. The rightmost bits are dropped, and 0's are inserted at the back to fill up the vacant bits.
Warning: unused bits in the final word up to the next word boundary may be overwritten by this operation. It does not attempt to preserve bits past the end of the array.
import std .format : format;
auto b = BitArray([1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]);
b <<= 1;
writeln(format("%b", b)); // "01100_10101101"
b >>= 1;
writeln(format("%b", b)); // "11001_01011010"
b <<= 4;
writeln(format("%b", b)); // "00001_10010101"
b >>= 5;
writeln(format("%b", b)); // "10010_10100000"
b <<= 13;
writeln(format("%b", b)); // "00000_00000000"
b = BitArray([1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]);
b >>= 8;
writeln(format("%b", b)); // "00000000"
Function BitArray.opOpAssign
Operator <<=
void opOpAssign(string op)
size_t nbits
) pure nothrow @nogc
if (op == "<<");
Shifts all the bits in the array to the left by the given number of bits. The leftmost bits are dropped, and 0's are appended to the end to fill up the vacant bits.
Warning: unused bits in the final word up to the next word boundary may be overwritten by this operation. It does not attempt to preserve bits past the end of the array.
Walter Bright, Andrei Alexandrescu, Jonathan M Davis, Alex Rønne Petersen, Damian Ziemba, Amaury SECHET