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Class std.digest.WrapperDigest

Wraps a template API hash struct into a Digest interface. Modules providing digest implementations will usually provide an alias for this template (e.g. MD5Digest, SHA1Digest, ...).

class WrapperDigest(T)
if (isDigest!T);


this Initializes the digest.


length[get] size_tThis is the length in bytes of the hash value which is returned by finish. It's also the required size of a buffer passed to finish.


finish The finish function returns the hash value. It takes an optional buffer to copy the data into. If a buffer is passed, it must have a length at least length bytes.
peek Works like finish but does not reset the internal state, so it's possible to continue putting data into this WrapperDigest after a call to peek.
put Use this to feed the digest with data. Also implements the isOutputRange interface for ubyte and const(ubyte)[].
reset Resets the internal state of the digest.
factory Create instance of class specified by the fully qualified name classname. The class must either have no constructors or have a default constructor.
opCmp Compare with another Object obj.
opEquals Test whether this is equal to o. The default implementation only compares by identity (using the is operator). Generally, overrides for opEquals should attempt to compare objects by their contents.
toHash Compute hash function for Object.
toString Convert Object to a human readable string.


//Simple example
auto hash = new WrapperDigest!MD5();
hash.put(cast(ubyte) 0);
auto result = hash.finish();


//using a supplied buffer
ubyte[16] buf;
auto hash = new WrapperDigest!MD5();
hash.put(cast(ubyte) 0);
auto result = hash.finish(buf[]);
//The result is now in result (and in buf). If you pass a buffer which is bigger than
//necessary, result will have the correct length, but buf will still have it's original


Johannes Pfau


Boost License 1.0.