- multiple declarations
Function Obj_reftocodeseg
Refer to address that is in the code segment. Only offsets are output, regardless of the memory model. Used to put values in switch address tables.
extern(C++) void Obj_reftocodeseg
int seg,
ulong offset,
ulong val
seg = where the address is going (CODE or DATA) offset = offset within seg val = displacement from start of this module
Function Obj_reftocodeseg
Refer to address that is in the code segment. Only offsets are output, regardless of the memory model. Used to put values in switch address tables.
extern(C++) void Obj_reftocodeseg
int seg,
ulong offset,
ulong val
seg = where the address is going (CODE or DATA) offset = offset within seg val = displacement from start of this module
Function Obj_reftocodeseg
Refer to address that is in the code segment. Only offsets are output, regardless of the memory model. Used to put values in switch address tables.
extern(C++) void Obj_reftocodeseg
int seg,
ulong offset,
ulong val
seg = where the address is going (CODE or DATA) offset = offset within seg val = displacement from start of this module
Function Obj_reftocodeseg
Refer to address that is in the code segment. Only offsets are output, regardless of the memory model. Used to put values in switch address tables.
extern(C++) void Obj_reftocodeseg
int seg,
ulong offset,
ulong val
seg = where the address is going (CODE or DATA) offset = offset within seg val = displacement from start of this module