
Enforce visibility contrains such as public and private.

Specification: Visibility Attributes


Walter Bright

Source: access.d

  • Declaration

    bool checkAccess(AggregateDeclaration ad, Loc loc, Scope* sc, Dsymbol smember);

    Do access check for member of this class, this class being the type of the 'this' pointer used to access smember. Returns true if the member is not accessible.

  • Declaration

    bool checkAccess(Loc loc, Scope* sc, Expression e, Declaration d);

    Check access to d for expression e.d Returns true if the declaration is not accessible.

  • Declaration

    bool checkAccess(Scope* sc, Package p);

    Check access to package/module p from scope sc.


    Scope* sc

    scope from which to access to a fully qualified package name

    Package p

    the package/module to check access for

    Return Value

    true if the package is not accessible.

    Because a global symbol table tree is used for imported packages/modules, access to them needs to be checked based on the imports in the scope chain (see

  • Declaration

    bool symbolIsVisible(Module mod, Dsymbol s);

    Check whether symbols s is visible in mod.


    Module mod

    lookup origin

    Dsymbol s

    symbol to check for visibility

    Return Value

    true if s is visible in mod

  • Declaration

    bool symbolIsVisible(Dsymbol origin, Dsymbol s);

    Same as above, but determines the lookup module from symbols origin.

  • Declaration

    bool symbolIsVisible(Scope* sc, Dsymbol s);

    Same as above but also checks for protected symbols visible from scope sc. Used for qualified name lookup.


    Scope* sc

    lookup scope

    Dsymbol s

    symbol to check for visibility

    Return Value

    true if s is visible by origin

  • Declaration

    bool checkSymbolAccess(Scope* sc, Dsymbol s);

    Check if a symbol is visible from a given scope without taking into account the most visible overload.


    Scope* sc

    lookup scope

    Dsymbol s

    symbol to check for visibility

    Return Value

    true if s is visible by origin

  • Declaration

    Dsymbol mostVisibleOverload(Dsymbol s, Module mod = null);

    Use the most visible overload to check visibility. Later perform an access check on the resolved overload. This function is similar to overloadApply, but doesn't recurse nor resolve aliases because protection/visibility is an attribute of the alias not the aliasee.