
Converts expressions to Intermediate Representation (IR) for the backend.


Walter Bright

Source: e2ir.d

  • Declaration

    elem* addressElem(elem* e, Type t, bool alwaysCopy = false);

    Take address of an elem.

  • Declaration

    bool elemIsLvalue(elem* e);

    Return true if elem is a an lvalue. Lvalue elems are OPvar and OPind.

  • Declaration

    elem* array_toPtr(Type t, elem* e);

    Convert array to a pointer to the data.


    Type t

    array type

    elem* e

    array to convert, it is "consumed" by the function

    Return Value

    e rebuilt into a pointer to the data

  • Declaration

    elem* array_toDarray(Type t, elem* e);

    Convert array to a dynamic array.

  • Declaration

    elem* sarray_toDarray(ref const Loc loc, Type tfrom, Type tto, elem* e);

  • Declaration

    elem* getTypeInfo(Loc loc, Type t, IRState* irs);

  • Declaration

    StructDeclaration needsPostblit(Type t);

    Determine if t is a struct that has postblit.

  • Declaration

    StructDeclaration needsDtor(Type t);

    Determine if t is a struct that has destructor.

  • Declaration

    void clearStringTab();

    Reset stringTab[] between object files being emitted, because the symbols are local.

  • Declaration

    elem* toElemDtor(Expression e, IRState* irs);

    Convert Expression to elem, then append destructors for any temporaries created in elem.


    Expression e

    Expression to convert

    IRState* irs


    Return Value

    generated elem tree

  • Declaration

    Symbol* toStringSymbol(const(char)* str, size_t len, size_t sz);

    Write read-only string to object file, create a local symbol for it. Makes a copy of str's contents, does not keep a reference to it.


    const(char)* str


    size_t len

    number of code units in string

    size_t sz

    number of bytes per code unit

    Return Value


  • Declaration

    Symbol* toStringSymbol(StringExp se);

    Turn StringExp into Symbol.

  • Declaration

    elem* buildArrayBoundsError(IRState* irs, ref const Loc loc, elem* lwr, elem* upr, elem* elength);

    Construct elem to run when an array bounds check fails.


    IRState* irs

    to get function from

    Loc loc

    to get file/line from

    elem* lwr

    lower bound passed, if slice (array[lwr .. upr]). null otherwise.

    elem* upr

    upper bound passed if slice (array[lwr .. upr]), index if not a slice (array[upr])

    elem* elength

    length of array

    Return Value

    elem generated

  • Declaration

    void toTraceGC(IRState* irs, elem* e, ref const Loc loc);

    Replace call to GC allocator with call to tracing GC allocator.


    IRState* irs

    to get function from

    elem* e

    elem to modify in place

    Loc loc

    to get file/line from

  • Declaration

    elem* callCAssert(IRState* irs, ref const Loc loc, Expression exp, Expression emsg, const(char)* str);

    Generate call to C's assert failure function. One of exp, emsg, or str must not be null.


    IRState* irs


    Loc loc

    location to use for assert message

    Expression exp

    if not null expression to test (not evaluated, but converted to a string)

    Expression emsg

    if not null then informative message to be computed at run time

    const(char)* str

    if not null then informative message string

    Return Value

    generated call

  • Declaration

    elem* genHalt(ref const Loc loc);

    Generate HALT instruction.


    Loc loc

    location to use for debug info

    Return Value

    generated instruction

  • Declaration

    bool type_zeroCopy(type* t);

    Determine if zero bits need to be copied for this backend type


    type* t

    backend type

    Return Value

    true if 0 bits

  • Declaration

    elem* elAssign(elem* e1, elem* e2, Type t, type* tx);

    Generate a copy from e2 to e1.


    elem* e1


    elem* e2


    Type t

    value type

    type* tx

    if !null, then t converted to C type

    Return Value

    generated elem

  • Declaration

    elem* setEthis2(ref const Loc loc, IRState* irs, FuncDeclaration fd, elem* ethis2, elem** ethis, elem** eside);

    Initialize the dual-context array with the context pointers.


    Loc loc

    line and file of what line to show usage for

    IRState* irs

    current context to get the second context from

    FuncDeclaration fd

    the target function

    elem* ethis2

    dual-context array

    elem** ethis

    the first context

    elem** eside

    where to store the assignment expressions

    Return Value

    ethis2 if successful, null otherwise