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Function core.memory.GC.addRoot

Adds an internal root pointing to the GC memory block referenced by p. As a result, the block referenced by p itself and any blocks accessible via it will be considered live until the root is removed again.

static void addRoot (
  const(void*) p
) nothrow @nogc;

If p is null, no operation is performed.


p A pointer into a GC-managed memory block or null.


// Typical C-style callback mechanism; the passed function
// is invoked with the user-supplied context pointer at a
// later point.
extern(C) void addCallback(void function(void*), void*);

// Allocate an object on the GC heap (this would usually be
// some application-specific context data).
auto context = new Object;

// Make sure that it is not collected even if it is no
// longer referenced from D code (stack, GC heap, …).

// Also ensure that a moving collector does not relocate
// the object.
GC.setAttr(cast(void*)context, GC.BlkAttr.NO_MOVE);

// Now context can be safely passed to the C library.
addCallback(&myHandler, cast(void*)context);

extern(C) void myHandler(void* ctx)
    // Assuming that the callback is invoked only once, the
    // added root can be removed again now to allow the GC
    // to collect it later.
    GC.clrAttr(ctx, GC.BlkAttr.NO_MOVE);

    auto context = cast(Object)ctx;
    // Use context here…


Sean Kelly, Alex Rønne Petersen


Boost License 1.0