
Defines a Dsymbol representing an aggregate, which is a struct, union or class.

Specification: Structs, Unions, Class.


Walter Bright

Source: aggregate.d

  • Declaration

    enum ClassKind: ubyte;

    The ClassKind enum is used in AggregateDeclaration AST nodes to specify the linkage type of the struct/class/interface or if it is an anonymous class. If the class is anonymous it is also considered to be a D class.

    • d



      the aggregate is a d(efault) class

    • cpp



      the aggregate is a C++ struct/class/interface

    • Declaration


      the aggregate is an Objective-C class/interface

  • Declaration

    abstract class AggregateDeclaration: dmd.dsymbol.ScopeDsymbol;

    Abstract aggregate as a common ancestor for Class- and StructDeclaration.

    • Declaration

      Type type;

    • Declaration

      StorageClass storage_class;

    • Declaration

      uint structsize;

      size of struct

    • Declaration

      uint alignsize;

      size of struct for alignment purposes

    • Declaration

      VarDeclarations fields;

      VarDeclaration fields

    • Declaration

      Dsymbol deferred;

      any deferred semantic2() or semantic3() symbol

    • Declaration

      ClassKind classKind;

      specifies whether this is a D, C++, Objective-C or anonymous struct/class/interface

    • Declaration

      CPPMANGLE cppmangle;

      Specify whether to mangle the aggregate as a class or a struct This information is used by the MSVC mangler Only valid for class and struct. TODO: Merge with ClassKind ?

    • Declaration

      Dsymbol enclosing;

      !=null if is nested pointing to the dsymbol that directly enclosing it.

      1. The function that enclosing it (nested struct and class)
      2. The class that enclosing it (nested class only)
      3. If enclosing aggregate is template, its enclosing dsymbol.


      See AggregateDeclaraton::makeNested for the details.

    • Declaration

      VarDeclaration vthis;

      'this' parameter if this aggregate is nested

    • Declaration

      VarDeclaration vthis2;

      'this' parameter if this aggregate is a template and is nested

    • Declaration

      FuncDeclarations invs;

      Array of invariants

    • inv


      FuncDeclaration inv;

      Merged invariant calling all members of invs

    • Declaration

      NewDeclaration aggNew;


    • Declaration

      Dsymbol ctor;

      CtorDeclaration or TemplateDeclaration

    • Declaration

      CtorDeclaration defaultCtor;

      default constructor - should have no arguments, because it would be stored in TypeInfo_Class.defaultConstructor

    • Declaration

      AliasThis aliasthis;

      forward unresolved lookups to aliasthis

    • Declaration

      DtorDeclarations dtors;

      Array of destructors

    • Declaration

      DtorDeclaration dtor;

      aggregate destructor calling dtors and member constructors

    • Declaration

      DtorDeclaration primaryDtor;

      non-deleting C++ destructor, same as dtor for D

    • Declaration

      DtorDeclaration tidtor;

      aggregate destructor used in TypeInfo (must have extern(D) ABI)

    • Declaration

      FuncDeclaration fieldDtor;

      aggregate destructor for just the fields

    • Declaration

      Expression getRTInfo;

      pointer to GC info generated by object.RTInfo(this)

    • Declaration

      Visibility visibility;

    • Declaration

      bool noDefaultCtor;

      no default construction

    • Declaration

      Sizeok sizeok;

      set when structsize contains valid data

    • Declaration

      Scope* newScope(Scope* sc);

      Create a new scope from sc. semantic, semantic2 and semantic3 will use this for aggregate members.

    • Declaration

      final bool determineFields();

      Find all instance fields, then push them into fields.


      Runs semantic() for all instance field variables, but also the field types can remain yet not resolved forward references, except direct recursive definitions. After the process sizeok is set to Sizeok.fwd.

      Return Value

      false if any errors occur.

    • Declaration

      final size_t nonHiddenFields();

      Return Value

      The total number of fields minus the number of hidden fields.

    • Declaration

      final bool determineSize(Loc loc);

      Collect all instance fields, then determine instance size.

      Return Value

      false if failed to determine the size.

    • Declaration

      final bool checkOverlappedFields();

      Calculate field[i].overlapped and overlapUnsafe, and check that all of explicit field initializers have unique memory space on instance.

      Return Value

      true if any errors happen.

    • Declaration

      final bool fill(Loc loc, Expressions* elements, bool ctorinit);

      Fill out remainder of elements[] with default initializers for fields[].


      Loc loc


      Expressions* elements

      explicit arguments which given to construct object.

      bool ctorinit

      true if the elements will be used for default initialization.

      Return Value

      false if any errors occur. Otherwise, returns true and the missing arguments will be pushed in elements[].

    • Declaration

      static pure nothrow @safe void alignmember(structalign_t alignment, uint size, uint* poffset);

      Do byte or word alignment as necessary. Align sizes of 0, as we may not know array sizes yet.


      structalign_t alignment

      struct alignment that is in effect

      uint size

      alignment requirement of field

      uint* poffset

      pointer to offset to be aligned

    • Declaration

      static uint placeField(uint* nextoffset, uint memsize, uint memalignsize, structalign_t alignment, uint* paggsize, uint* paggalignsize, bool isunion);

      Place a member (mem) into an aggregate (agg), which can be a struct, union or class

      Return Value

      offset to place field at

      nextoffset: next location in aggregate memsize: size of member memalignsize: natural alignment of member alignment: alignment in effect for this member paggsize: size of aggregate (updated) paggalignsize: alignment of aggregate (updated) isunion: the aggregate is a union

    • Declaration

      final void setDeprecated();

      Flag this aggregate as deprecated

    • Declaration

      final const bool isNested();

      Returns true if there's an extra member which is the 'this' pointer to the enclosing context (enclosing aggregate or function)

    • Declaration

      final Dsymbol searchCtor();

      Look for constructor declaration.

    • Declaration

      Symbol* stag;

      tag symbol for debug data

    • Declaration

      Symbol* sinit;

      initializer symbol