
Generate D interface files.


Also used to convert AST nodes to D code in general, e.g. for error messages or printf debugging.


Walter Bright

Source: hdrgen.d

  • Declaration

    void moduleToBuffer(OutBuffer* buf, Module m);

    Dumps the full contents of module m to buf.


    OutBuffer* buf

    buffer to write to.

    Module m

    module to visit all members of.

  • Declaration

    void floatToBuffer(Type type, const real_t value, OutBuffer* buf, const bool allowHex);

    Formats value as a literal of type type into buf.


    Type type

    literal type (e.g. Tfloat)

    real_t value

    value to print

    OutBuffer* buf

    target buffer

    bool allowHex

    whether hex floating point literals may be used for greater accuracy

  • Declaration

    string stcToString(ref StorageClass stc);
    pure nothrow string trustToString(TRUST trust);

    Pick off one of the storage classes from stc, and return a string representation of it. stc is reduced by the one picked.

  • Declaration

    const(char)* visibilityToChars(Visibility.Kind kind);
    pure nothrow string visibilityToString(Visibility.Kind kind);

    Return Value

    a human readable representation of kind

  • Declaration

    void argExpTypesToCBuffer(OutBuffer* buf, Expressions* arguments);

    Write out argument types to buf.

  • Declaration

    const(char)* parametersTypeToChars(ParameterList pl);

    Pretty print function parameters.


    ParameterList pl

    parameter list to print

    Return Value

    Null-terminated string representing parameters.

  • Declaration

    const(char)* parameterToChars(Parameter parameter, TypeFunction tf, bool fullQual);

    Pretty print function parameter.


    Parameter parameter

    parameter to print.

    TypeFunction tf

    TypeFunction which holds parameter.

    bool fullQual

    whether to fully qualify types.

    Return Value

    Null-terminated string representing parameters.