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std.uuid.UUID.this - multiple declarations

Function UUID.this

Construct a UUID struct from the 16 byte representation of a UUID.

ref this (
  ref const(ubyte[16]) uuidData
) pure nothrow @nogc @safe;

ref this (
  const(ubyte[16]) uuidData
) pure nothrow @nogc @safe;


enum ubyte[16] data = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15];
auto uuid = UUID(data);
enum ctfe = UUID(data);
writeln(; // data
writeln(; // data

Function UUID.this

Construct a UUID struct from the 16 byte representation of a UUID. Variadic constructor to allow a simpler syntax, see examples. You need to pass exactly 16 ubytes.

this(T...) (
  T uuidData
) pure @safe
if (uuidData.length == 16 && allSatisfy!(isIntegral, T));


auto tmp = UUID(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15);
assert( == cast(ubyte[16])[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,

Function UUID.this

Parse a UUID from its canonical string form. An UUID in its canonical form looks like this: 8ab3060e-2cba-4f23-b74c-b52db3bdfb46

this(T) (
  in T[] uuid
if (isSomeChar!T);


UUIDParsingException if the input is invalid


This function is supported in CTFE code. Note that error messages caused by a malformed UUID parsed at compile time can be cryptic, but errors are detected and reported at compile time.


This is a strict parser. It only accepts the pattern above. It doesn't support any leading or trailing characters. It only accepts characters used for hex numbers and the string must have hyphens exactly like above.

For a less strict parser, see parseUUID


auto id = UUID("8AB3060E-2cba-4f23-b74c-b52db3bdfb46");
assert( == [138, 179, 6, 14, 44, 186, 79, 35, 183, 76,
   181, 45, 179, 189, 251, 70]);
writeln(id.toString()); // "8ab3060e-2cba-4f23-b74c-b52db3bdfb46"

//Can also be used in CTFE, for example as UUID literals:
enum ctfeID = UUID("8ab3060e-2cba-4f23-b74c-b52db3bdfb46");
//here parsing is done at compile time, no runtime overhead!


Johannes Pfau


Boost License 1.0.