
Read a file from disk and store it in memory.


Walter Bright,

Source: root/file.d

  • Declaration

    struct FileMapping(Datum);

    Encapsulated management of a memory-mapped file.



    the mapped data type: Use a POD of size 1 for read/write mapping and a const version thereof for read-only mapping. Other primitive types should work, but have not been yet tested.

    • Declaration

      this(const char* filename);

      Open filename and map it in memory. If Datum is const, opens for read-only and maps the content in memory; no error is issued if the file does not exist. This makes it easy to treat a non-existing file as empty.


      If Datum is mutable, opens for read/write (creates file if it does not exist) and fails fatally on any error.

      Due to quirks in mmap, if the file is empty, handle is valid but data is null. This state is valid and accounted for.


      char* filename

      the name of the file to be mapped in memory

    • Declaration

      const pure nothrow @nogc @safe const(char)* filename();

      Returns the zero-terminated file name associated with the mapping. Can be saved beyond the lifetime of this.

    • Declaration

      void close();

      Frees resources associated with this mapping. However, it does not deallocate the name. Reinitializes this as a fresh object that can be reused.

    • Declaration

      bool discard();

      Deletes the underlying file and frees all resources associated. Reinitializes this as a fresh object that can be reused.


      This function does not abort if the file cannot be deleted, but does print a message on stderr and returns false to the caller. The underlying rationale is to give the caller the option to continue execution if deleting the file is not important.

      Return Value

      true iff the file was successfully deleted. If the file was not deleted, prints a message to stderr and returns false.

    • Declaration

      const pure nothrow @nogc bool active();

      Queries whether this is currently associated with a file.

      Return Value

      true iff there is an active mapping.

    • Declaration

      const pure nothrow @nogc @safe size_t length();

      Queries the length of the file associated with this mapping. If not active, returns 0.

      Return Value

      the length of the file, or 0 if no file associated.

    • Declaration

      pure nothrow @nogc @safe auto opSlice();

      Get a slice to the contents of the entire file.

      Return Value

      the contents of the file. If not active, returns the null slice.

    • Declaration

      pure void resize(size_t size);

      Resizes the file and mapping to the specified size.


      size_t size

      new length requested

    • Declaration

      bool moveToFile(const char* filename);

      Unconditionally and destructively moves the underlying file to filename. If the operation succeds, returns true. Upon failure, prints a message to stderr and returns false.


      char* filename

      zero-terminated name of the file to move to.

      Return Value

      true iff the operation was successful.

  • Declaration

    struct FileBuffer;

    Owns a (rmem-managed) file buffer.

    • Declaration

      pure nothrow @nogc @safe ubyte[] extractSlice();

      Transfers ownership of the buffer to the caller.

  • Declaration

    struct File;

    • Declaration

      struct ReadResult;

      • Declaration

        pure nothrow @nogc @safe ubyte[] extractSlice();

        Transfers ownership of the buffer to the caller.

      • Declaration

        pure nothrow @nogc ubyte[] extractDataZ();

        ditto Include the null-terminator at the end of the buffer in the returned array.

    • Declaration

      static nothrow ReadResult read(const(char)* name);
      static nothrow ReadResult read(const(char)[] name);

      Read the full content of a file.

    • Declaration

      static nothrow bool write(const(char)* name, const void[] data);
      static nothrow bool write(const(char)[] name, const void[] data);
      static nothrow bool write(const(char)* name, const(void)* data, size_t size);

      Write a file, returning true on success.

    • Declaration

      static nothrow void remove(const(char)* name);

      Delete a file.

    • Declaration

      static nothrow bool update(const(char)* namez, const void[] data);
      static nothrow bool update(const(char)[] name, const void[] data);
      static nothrow bool update(const(char)* name, const(void)* data, size_t size);

      Update file


      If the file exists and is identical to what is to be written, merely update the timestamp on the file. Otherwise, write the file.

      The idea is writes are much slower than reads, and build systems often wind up generating identical files.


      const(char)[] name

      name of file to update

      void[] data

      updated contents of file

      Return Value

      true on success

    • Declaration

      static nothrow bool touch(const char* namez);

      Touch a file to current date

    • Declaration

      static nothrow ulong size(const char* namez);
      static nothrow ulong size(int fd);

      Size of a file in bytes.


      char* namez

      null-terminated filename

      Return Value

      ulong.max on any error, the length otherwise.