
Interface to the C linked list type.


List is a complete package of functions to deal with singly linked lists of pointers or integers.


  1. Uses mem package.
  2. Has loop-back tests.
  3. Each item in the list can have multiple predecessors, enabling different lists to 'share' a common tail.


Walter Bright

Source: backend/dlist.d

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @safe list_t list_link(list_t list);

    Create link to existing list, that is, share the list with somebody else.

    Return Value

    pointer to that list entry.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @safe list_t list_next(list_t list);

    Return Value

    pointer to next entry in list.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @trusted inout(void)* list_ptr(inout list_t list);

    Return Value

    ptr from list entry.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @safe int list_data(list_t list);

    Return Value

    integer item from list entry.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @safe void list_appenddata(list_t* plist, int d);

    Append integer item to list.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @safe void list_prependdata(list_t* plist, int d);

    Prepend integer item to list.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @trusted void list_init();

    Initialize list package.

    Output: list_inited = 1

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @trusted void list_term();

    Terminate list package.

    Output: list_inited = 0

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @trusted void list_free(list_t* plist, list_free_fp freeptr);

    Free list.


    list_t* plist

    Pointer to list to free

    list_free_fp freeptr

    Pointer to freeing function for the data pointer (use FPNULL if none)

    Output: *plist is null

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @trusted void* list_subtract(list_t* plist, void* ptr);

    Remove ptr from the list pointed to by *plist.

    Output: *plist is updated to be the start of the new list

    Return Value

    null if *plist is null otherwise ptr

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @safe void* list_pop(list_t* plist);

    Remove first element in list pointed to by *plist.

    Return Value

    First element, null if *plist is null

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @trusted list_t list_append(list_t* plist, void* ptr);

    Append ptr to *plist.

    Return Value

    pointer to list item created. null if out of memory

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @trusted list_t list_prepend(list_t* plist, void* ptr);

    Prepend ptr to *plist.

    Return Value

    pointer to list item created (which is also the start of the list). null if out of memory

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @safe int list_nitems(list_t list);

    Count up and return number of items in list.

    Return Value

    of entries in list

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @safe list_t list_nth(list_t list, int n);

    Return Value

    nth list entry in list.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @safe list_t list_last(list_t list);

    Return Value

    last list entry in list.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @safe list_t list_prev(list_t start, list_t list);

    Return Value

    pointer to previous item in list.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @trusted list_t list_copy(list_t list);

    Copy a list and return it.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @safe int list_equal(list_t list1, list_t list2);

    Compare two lists.

    Return Value

    If they have the same ptrs, return 1 else 0.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @trusted int list_cmp(list_t list1, list_t list2, int function(void*, void*) nothrow @nogc fp);

    Compare two lists using the comparison function fp. The comparison function is the same as used for qsort().

    Return Value

    If they compare equal, return 0 else value returned by fp.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @trusted list_t list_inlist(list_t list, void* ptr);

    Search for ptr in list.

    Return Value

    If found, return list entry that it is, else null.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @safe list_t list_cat(list_t* pl1, list_t l2);

    Concatenate two lists (l2 appended to l1).

    Output: *pl1 updated to be start of concatenated list.

    Return Value


  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @trusted void list_apply(list_t* plist, void function(void*) nothrow @nogc fp);

    Apply a function fp to each member of a list.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @safe list_t list_reverse(list_t l);

    Reverse a list in place.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @trusted void list_copyinto(list_t l, void* pa);

    Copy list of pointers into an array of pointers.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @trusted list_t list_insert(list_t* pl, void* ptr, int n);

    Insert item into list at nth position.

  • Declaration

    struct ListRange;

    Range for Lists.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @trusted list_t list_build(void* p, ...);

    Build a list out of the null-terminated argument list.

    Return Value

    generated list