
Builds struct member functions if needed and not defined by the user. Includes opEquals, opAssign, post blit, copy constructor and destructor.


Walter Bright

Source: clone.d

  • Declaration

    pure StorageClass mergeFuncAttrs(StorageClass s1, const FuncDeclaration f);

    Merge function attributes pure, nothrow, @safe, @nogc, and @disable from f into s1.


    StorageClass s1

    storage class to merge into

    FuncDeclaration f


    Return Value

    merged storage class

  • Declaration

    FuncDeclaration hasIdentityOpAssign(AggregateDeclaration ad, Scope* sc);

    Check given aggregate actually has an identity opAssign or not.


    AggregateDeclaration ad

    struct or class

    Scope* sc

    current scope

    Return Value

    if found, returns FuncDeclaration of opAssign, otherwise null

  • Declaration

    FuncDeclaration buildOpAssign(StructDeclaration sd, Scope* sc);

    Build opAssign for a struct.


    The generated opAssign function has the following signature:

    1. ref S opAssign(S s) // S is the name of the `struct`

    The opAssign function will be built for a struct S if the following constraints are met:
    1. S does not have an identity opAssign defined.
    2. S has at least one of the following members: a postblit (user-defined or)
    3. generated for fields that have a defined postblit
    , a destructor (user-defined or generated for fields that have a defined destructor) or at least one field that has a defined opAssign.
    1. S does not have any non-mutable fields.
    If S has a disabled destructor or at least one field that has a disabled opAssign, S.opAssign is going to be generated, but marked with @disable

    If S defines a destructor, the generated code for opAssign is:

    1. S __swap = void; __swap = this; // bit copy this = s; // bit copy __swap.dtor();

    Otherwise, if S defines a postblit, the generated code for opAssign is:

    1. this = s;

    Note that the parameter to the generated opAssign is passed by value, which means that the postblit is going to be called (if it is defined) in both of the above situations before entering the body of opAssign. The assignments in the above generated function bodies are blit expressions, so they can be regarded as memcpys (opAssign is not called as this will result in an infinite recursion; the postblit is not called because it has already been called when the parameter was passed by value).

    If S does not have a postblit or a destructor, but contains at least one field that defines an opAssign function (which is not disabled), then the body will make member-wise assignments:

    1. this.field1 = s.field1; this.field2 = s.field2; ...;

    In this situation, the assignemnts are actual assign expressions (opAssign is used if defined).


    StructDeclaration sd

    struct to generate opAssign for

    Scope* sc


    Return Value

    generated opAssign function

  • Declaration

    bool needOpEquals(StructDeclaration sd);

    We need an opEquals for the struct if any fields has an opEquals. Generate one if a user-specified one does not exist.

  • Declaration

    FuncDeclaration buildOpEquals(StructDeclaration sd, Scope* sc);

    Build opEquals for struct. const bool opEquals(const S s) { ... }


    By fixing opEquals is changed to be never implicitly generated. Now, struct objects comparison s1 == s2 is translated to: s1.tupleof == s2.tupleof to calculate structural equality. See EqualExp.op_overload.

  • Declaration

    FuncDeclaration buildXopEquals(StructDeclaration sd, Scope* sc);

    Build __xopEquals for TypeInfo_Struct bool __xopEquals(ref const S p) const { return this == p; }


    This is called by TypeInfo.equals(p1, p2). If the struct does not support const objects comparison, it will throw "not implemented" Error in runtime.

  • Declaration

    FuncDeclaration buildXopCmp(StructDeclaration sd, Scope* sc);

    Build __xopCmp for TypeInfo_Struct int __xopCmp(ref const S p) const { return this.opCmp(p); }


    This is called by, p2). If the struct does not support const objects comparison, it will throw "not implemented" Error in runtime.

  • Declaration

    FuncDeclaration buildXtoHash(StructDeclaration sd, Scope* sc);

    Build _xtoHash for non-bitwise hashing static hash_t xtoHash(ref const S p) nothrow @trusted;

  • Declaration

    void buildDtors(AggregateDeclaration ad, Scope* sc);

    Create aggregate destructor for struct/class by aggregating all the destructors in userDtors[] with the destructors for all the members. Sets ad's fieldDtor, aggrDtor, dtor and tidtor fields.


    AggregateDeclaration ad

    struct or class to build destructor for

    Scope* sc


    Note: Close similarity with StructDeclaration::buildPostBlit(), and the ordering changes (runs backward instead of forwards).

  • Declaration

    FuncDeclaration buildInv(AggregateDeclaration ad, Scope* sc);

    Create inclusive invariant for struct/class by aggregating all the invariants in invs[].

    1. void __invariant() const [pure nothrow @trusted] { invs[0](), invs[1](), ...; }

  • Declaration

    FuncDeclaration buildPostBlit(StructDeclaration sd, Scope* sc);

    Create inclusive postblit for struct by aggregating all the postblits in postblits[] with the postblits for all the members. Note the close similarity with AggregateDeclaration::buildDtor(), and the ordering changes (runs forward instead of backwards).

  • Declaration

    bool buildCopyCtor(StructDeclaration sd, Scope* sc);

    Generates a copy constructor if needCopyCtor() returns true. The generated copy constructor will be of the form: this(ref return scope inout(S) rhs) inout { this.field1 = rhs.field1; this.field2 = rhs.field2; ... }


    StructDeclaration sd

    the struct for which the copy constructor is generated

    Scope* sc

    the scope where the copy constructor is generated

    Return Value

    true if struct sd defines a copy constructor (explicitly or generated), false otherwise.