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- multiple declarations
Function BigInt.opCast
Implements casting to bool
T opCast(T)() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe;
Function BigInt.opCast
Implements casting to integer types.
T opCast(T)() const pure @safe;
if the number exceeds
the target type's range.
import std .conv : to, ConvOverflowException;
import std .exception : assertThrown;
writeln(BigInt("0"). to!int); // 0
writeln(BigInt("0"). to!ubyte); // 0
writeln(BigInt("255"). to!ubyte); // 255
assertThrown!ConvOverflowException(BigInt("256"). to!ubyte);
assertThrown!ConvOverflowException(BigInt("-1"). to!ubyte);
Application output
Function BigInt.opCast
Implements casting to floating point types.
T opCast(T)() const nothrow @nogc @safe
if (isFloatingPoint!T);
assert(cast(float) BigInt("35540592535949172786332045140593475584")
== 35540592535949172786332045140593475584.0f);
assert(cast(double) BigInt("35540601499647381470685035515422441472")
== 35540601499647381470685035515422441472.0);
assert(cast(real) BigInt("35540601499647381470685035515422441472")
== 35540601499647381470685035515422441472.0L);
writeln(cast(float)BigInt("-0x1345_6780_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000")); // -0x1.3456_78p+108f
// -0x1.3456_78ab_cdefp+108
// -0x1.3456_78ab_cdefp+108L
Application output
Rounding when casting to floating point
// BigInts whose values cannot be exactly represented as float/double/real
// are rounded when cast to float/double/real. When cast to float or
// double or 64-bit real the rounding is strictly defined. When cast
// to extended-precision real the rounding rules vary by environment.
// BigInts that fall somewhere between two non-infinite floats/doubles
// are rounded to the closer value when cast to float/double.
writeln(cast(float)BigInt(0x1aaa_aae7)); // 0x1.aaa_aaep+28f
writeln(cast(float)BigInt(0x1aaa_aaff)); // 0x1.aaa_ab0p+28f
writeln(cast(float)BigInt(-0x1aaa_aae7)); // -0x1.aaaaaep+28f
writeln(cast(float)BigInt(-0x1aaa_aaff)); // -0x1.aaaab0p+28f
writeln(cast(double)BigInt(0x1aaa_aaaa_aaaa_aa77)); // 0x1.aaa_aaaa_aaaa_aa00p+60
writeln(cast(double)BigInt(0x1aaa_aaaa_aaaa_aaff)); // 0x1.aaa_aaaa_aaaa_ab00p+60
writeln(cast(double)BigInt(-0x1aaa_aaaa_aaaa_aa77)); // -0x1.aaa_aaaa_aaaa_aa00p+60
writeln(cast(double)BigInt(-0x1aaa_aaaa_aaaa_aaff)); // -0x1.aaa_aaaa_aaaa_ab00p+60
// BigInts that fall exactly between two non-infinite floats/doubles
// are rounded away from zero when cast to float/double. (Note that
// in most environments this is NOT the same rounding rule rule used
// when casting int/long to float/double.)
writeln(cast(float)BigInt(0x1aaa_aaf0)); // 0x1.aaa_ab0p+28f
writeln(cast(float)BigInt(-0x1aaa_aaf0)); // -0x1.aaaab0p+28f
writeln(cast(double)BigInt(0x1aaa_aaaa_aaaa_aa80)); // 0x1.aaa_aaaa_aaaa_ab00p+60
writeln(cast(double)BigInt(-0x1aaa_aaaa_aaaa_aa80)); // -0x1.aaa_aaaa_aaaa_ab00p+60
// BigInts that are bounded on one side by the largest positive or
// most negative finite float/double and on the other side by infinity
// or -infinity are rounded as if in place of infinity was the value
// `2^^(T.max_exp)` when cast to float/double.
// float.infinity
// -float.infinity
assert(cast(double) BigInt("999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999") < double .infinity);
assert(cast(real) BigInt("999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999") < real .infinity);
Application output
Function BigInt.opCast
Implements casting to/from qualified BigInt
T opCast(T)() const pure nothrow @nogc
if (is(immutable(T) == immutable(BigInt)));
Casting to/from const
or immutable
may break type
system guarantees. Use with care.
Don Clugston
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