
Generate debug info in the CV4 debug format.


Walter Bright

Source: tocvdebug.d

  • Declaration

    pure nothrow @nogc @safe uint visibilityToCVAttr(Visibility.Kind vis);

    CV4 pg. 25 Convert D visibility attribute to cv attribute.

  • Declaration

    uint cv_align(ubyte* p, uint n);

    Align and pad.

    Return Value

    aligned count

  • Declaration

    void cv_udt(const char* id, uint typidx);

    write a UDT record to the object file


    char* id

    name of user defined type

    uint typidx

    type index

  • Declaration

    void toDebug(EnumDeclaration ed);

    Emit symbolic debug info in CV format.

  • Declaration

    struct CvFieldList;

    Helper struct for field list records LF_FIELDLIST/LF_FIELDLIST_V2


    if the size exceeds the maximum length of a record, the last entry is an LF_INDEX entry with the type index pointing to the next field list record

    Processing is done in two phases:

    Phase 1: computing the size of the field list and distributing it over multiple records

    • construct CvFieldList with some precalculated field count/length
    • for each field, call count(length of field)
    Phase 2: write the actual data
    • call alloc() to allocate debtyp's
    • for each field,
      • call writePtr() to get a pointer into the current debtyp
      • fill memory with field data
      • call written(length of field)
    • call debtyp() to create type records and return the index of the first one

  • Declaration

    int cvMember(Dsymbol s, ubyte* p);

    Insert CV info into *p.

    Return Value

    number of bytes written, or that would be written if p==null