
Find out in what ways control flow can exit a statement block.


Walter Bright

Source: blockexit.d

  • BE


    enum BE: int;

    BE stands for BlockExit.


    It indicates if a statement does transfer control to another block. A block is a sequence of statements enclosed in { }

  • Declaration

    int blockExit(Statement s, FuncDeclaration func, bool mustNotThrow);

    Determine mask of ways that a statement can exit.


    Only valid after semantic analysis.


    Statement s

    statement to check for block exit status

    FuncDeclaration func

    function that statement s is in

    bool mustNotThrow

    generate an error if it throws

    Return Value


  • Declaration

    BE checkThrow(const ref Loc loc, Expression exp, const bool mustNotThrow, FuncDeclaration func);

    Checks whether throw <exp> throws an Exception or an Error and raises an error if this violates nothrow.


    Loc loc

    location of the throw

    Expression exp

    expression yielding the throwable

    bool mustNotThrow

    inside of a nothrow scope?

    FuncDeclaration func

    function containing the throw

    Return Value

    BE.[err]throw depending on the type of exp