
CTFE for expressions involving pointers, slices, array concatenation etc.


Walter Bright

Source: ctfeexpr.d

  • Declaration

    class ClassReferenceExp: dmd.expression.Expression;

    A reference to a class, or an interface. We need this when we point to a base class (we must record what the type is).

  • Declaration

    pure int findFieldIndexByName(const StructDeclaration sd, const VarDeclaration v);

    Same as getFieldIndex, but checks for a direct match with the VarDeclaration

    Return Value

    index of the field, or -1 if not found

  • Declaration

    class ThrownExceptionExp: dmd.expression.Expression;

    Fake class which holds the thrown exception. Used for implementing exception handling.

  • Declaration

    class CTFEExp: dmd.expression.Expression;

    This type is only used by the interpreter.

  • Declaration

    bool needToCopyLiteral(const Expression expr);

    Aggregate literals (AA/string/array/struct)

  • Declaration

    Expression resolveSlice(Expression e, UnionExp* pue = null);

    If e is a SliceExp, constant fold it.


    Expression e

    expression to resolve

    UnionExp* pue

    if not null, store resulting expression here

    Return Value

    resulting expression

  • Declaration

    ArrayLiteralExp createBlockDuplicatedArrayLiteral(UnionExp* pue, const ref Loc loc, Type type, Expression elem, size_t dim);

    Helper for NewExp Create an array literal consisting of 'elem' duplicated 'dim' times.


    UnionExp* pue

    where to store result

    Loc loc

    source location where the interpretation occurs

    Type type

    target type of the result

    Expression elem

    the source of array element, it will be owned by the result

    size_t dim

    element number of the result

    Return Value

    Constructed ArrayLiteralExp

  • Declaration

    StringExp createBlockDuplicatedStringLiteral(UnionExp* pue, const ref Loc loc, Type type, dchar value, size_t dim, ubyte sz);

    Helper for NewExp Create a string literal consisting of 'value' duplicated 'dim' times.

  • Declaration

    bool isTypeInfo_Class(const Type type);

    TypeInfo operations

  • Declaration

    bool isPointer(Type t);

    Pointer operations

  • Declaration

    bool pointToSameMemoryBlock(Expression agg1, Expression agg2);

    Return true if agg1 and agg2 are pointers to the same memory block

  • Declaration

    bool isCtfeComparable(Expression e);

    Constant folding, with support for CTFE Return true if non-pointer expression e can be compared with >,is, ==, etc, using ctfeCmp, ctfeEqual, ctfeIdentity

  • Declaration

    bool specificCmp(EXP op, int rawCmp);

    Returns cmp OP 0; where OP is ==, !=, <, >=, etc. Result is 0 or 1

  • Declaration

    bool intUnsignedCmp(EXP op, dinteger_t n1, dinteger_t n2);

    Returns e1 OP e2; where OP is ==, !=, <, >=, etc. Result is 0 or 1

  • Declaration

    bool intSignedCmp(EXP op, sinteger_t n1, sinteger_t n2);

    Returns e1 OP e2; where OP is ==, !=, <, >=, etc. Result is 0 or 1

  • Declaration

    bool realCmp(EXP op, real_t r1, real_t r2);

    Returns e1 OP e2; where OP is ==, !=, <, >=, etc. Result is 0 or 1

  • Declaration

    bool ctfeEqual(const ref Loc loc, EXP op, Expression e1, Expression e2);

    Evaluate ==, !=. Resolves slices before comparing. Returns 0 or 1

  • Declaration

    bool ctfeIdentity(const ref Loc loc, EXP op, Expression e1, Expression e2);

    Evaluate is, !is. Resolves slices before comparing. Returns 0 or 1

  • Declaration

    bool ctfeCmp(const ref Loc loc, EXP op, Expression e1, Expression e2);

    Evaluate >,<=, etc. Resolves slices before comparing. Returns 0 or 1

  • Declaration

    void assignInPlace(Expression dest, Expression src);

    Assignment helper functions

  • Declaration

    Expression changeArrayLiteralLength(UnionExp* pue, const ref Loc loc, TypeArray arrayType, Expression oldval, size_t oldlen, size_t newlen);

    Given array literal oldval of type ArrayLiteralExp or StringExp, of length oldlen, change its length to newlen. If the newlen is longer than oldlen, all new elements will be set to the default initializer for the element type.

  • Declaration

    bool isCtfeValueValid(Expression newval);

    CTFE Sanity Checks

  • Declaration

    UnionExp voidInitLiteral(Type t, VarDeclaration var);

    Void initialization