
Ddoc documentation generation.

Specification: Documentation Generator


Walter Bright

Source: doc.d

  • Declaration

    void gendocfile(Module m);

  • Declaration

    void escapeDdocString(OutBuffer* buf, size_t start);

    Having unmatched parentheses can hose the output of Ddoc, as the macros depend on properly nested parentheses. This function replaces all ( with ( and ) with ) to preserve text literally. This also means macros in the text won't be expanded.

  • Declaration

    struct DocComment;

    • Declaration

      static void parseMacros(Escape* escapetable, ref MacroTable pmacrotable, const(char)[] m);

      Parse macros out of Macros: section. Macros are of the form: name1 = value1


      name2 = value2

    • Declaration

      static void parseEscapes(Escape* escapetable, const(char)[] text);

      Parse escapes of the form: /c/string/ where c is a single character. Multiple escapes can be separated by whitespace and/or commas.

    • Declaration

      void parseSections(const(char)* comment);

      Parse next paragraph out of *pcomment. Update *pcomment to point past paragraph. Returns NULL if no more paragraphs. If paragraph ends in 'identifier:', then (*pcomment)[0 .. idlen] is the identifier.

  • Declaration

    size_t skiptoident(ref OutBuffer buf, size_t i);

    Scan forward to one of: start of identifier beginning of next line end of buf

  • Declaration

    pure nothrow @nogc bool isIdStart(const(char)* p);

    Determine if p points to the start of an identifier.

  • Declaration

    pure nothrow @nogc bool isIdTail(const(char)* p);

    Determine if p points to the rest of an identifier.

  • Declaration

    pure nothrow @nogc int utfStride(const(char)* p);

    Return number of bytes in UTF character.