
This module defines some utility functions for DMD.


Walter Bright

Source: utils.d

  • Declaration

    nothrow const(char)* toWinPath(const(char)* src);

    Normalize path by turning forward slashes into backslashes


    const(char)* src

    Source path, using unix-style ('/') path separators

    Return Value

    A newly-allocated string with '/' turned into backslashes

  • Declaration

    nothrow Buffer readFile(Loc loc, const(char)* filename);
    nothrow Buffer readFile(Loc loc, const(char)[] filename);

    Reads a file, terminate the program on error


    Loc loc

    The line number information from where the call originates

    const(char)* filename

    Path to file

  • Declaration

    nothrow void writeFile(Loc loc, const(char)[] filename, const void[] data);

    Writes a file, terminate the program on error


    Loc loc

    The line number information from where the call originates

    const(char)[] filename

    Path to file

    void[] data

    Full content of the file to be written

  • Declaration

    nothrow void ensurePathToNameExists(Loc loc, const(char)[] name);

    Ensure the root path (the path minus the name) of the provided path exists, and terminate the process if it doesn't.


    Loc loc

    The line number information from where the call originates

    const(char)[] name

    a path to check (the name is stripped)

  • Declaration

    nothrow void escapePath(OutBuffer* buf, const(char)* fname);

    Takes a path, and escapes '(', ')' and backslashes


    OutBuffer* buf

    Buffer to write the escaped path to

    const(char)* fname

    Path to escape

  • Declaration

    nothrow void writeEscapedMakePath(ref OutBuffer buf, const(char)* fname);

    Takes a path, and make it compatible with GNU Makefile format.


    GNU make uses a weird quoting scheme for white space. A space or tab preceded by 2N+1 backslashes represents N backslashes followed by space; a space or tab preceded by 2N backslashes represents N backslashes at the end of a file name; and backslashes in other contexts should not be doubled.


    OutBuffer buf

    Buffer to write the escaped path to

    const(char)* fname

    Path to escape


    1. version (Windows) { enum input = `C:\My Project\file#4$.ext`; enum expected = `C:\My\ Project\file\#4$$.ext`; } else { enum input = `/foo\bar/weird$.:name#\ with spaces.ext`; enum expected = `/foo\bar/weird$$.\:name\#\\\ with\ spaces.ext`; } OutBuffer buf; buf.writeEscapedMakePath(input); assert(buf[] == expected);

  • Declaration

    pure nothrow @nogc @safe bool parseDigits(T)(ref T val, const(char)[] p, const T max = T.max);

    Convert string to integer.



    Type of integer to parse

    T val

    Variable to store the result in

    const(char)[] p

    slice to start of string digits

    T max

    max allowable value (inclusive), defaults to T.max

    Return Value

    false on error, true on success


    1. byte b; ubyte ub; short s; ushort us; int i; uint ui; long l; ulong ul; assert(b.parseDigits("42") && b == 42); assert(ub.parseDigits("42") && ub == 42); assert(s.parseDigits("420") && s == 420); assert(us.parseDigits("42000") && us == 42_000); assert(i.parseDigits("420000") && i == 420_000); assert(ui.parseDigits("420000") && ui == 420_000); assert(l.parseDigits("42000000000") && l == 42_000_000_000); assert(ul.parseDigits("82000000000") && ul == 82_000_000_000); assert(!b.parseDigits(ubyte.max.stringof)); assert(!b.parseDigits("WYSIWYG")); assert(!b.parseDigits("-42")); assert(!b.parseDigits("200")); assert(ub.parseDigits("200") && ub == 200); assert(i.parseDigits(int.max.stringof) && i == int.max); assert(i.parseDigits("420", 500) && i == 420); assert(!i.parseDigits("420", 400));