Common definitions


Compiler implementation of the D programming language.


Walter Bright

Source: backend/cc.d

  • Declaration

    struct Srcpos;

    Position in source file

    • set


      pure nothrow @safe void set(const(char)* filename, uint linnum, int charnum);

      Set fields of Srcpos


      const(char)* filename

      file name

      uint linnum

      line number

      int charnum

      character number

  • Declaration

    struct Pstate;

    Current 'state' of the compiler. Used to gather together most global variables. This struct is saved/restored during function body parsing.

  • Declaration

    struct Cstate;

    Global variables.

  • Declaration

    alias ClassDeclaration_ = void*;

    Basic blocks: Basic blocks are a linked list of all the basic blocks in a function. startblock heads the list.

  • BC


    alias BC = int;

    Basic block control flow operators.

  • Declaration

    struct BlockRange;

    Range for blocks.

  • Declaration

    alias func_flags_t = uint;


  • Declaration

    struct meminit_t;

    Item in list for member initializer.

  • Declaration

    struct baseclass_t;

    Base classes are a list of these.

  • Declaration

    alias mptr_flags_t = char;

    For virtual tables.

  • TMF


    struct TMF;

    Information gathered about externally defined template member functions, member data, and member classes.

  • TME


    struct TME;

    Information gathered about primary member template explicit specialization.

  • Declaration

    struct TMNE;

    Information gathered about nested explicit specializations.

  • Declaration

    struct TMNF;

    Information gathered about nested class friends.

  • Declaration

    struct template_t;

    Special information for class templates.

  • Declaration

    alias enum_flags_t = uint;

    Special information for enums.

  • Declaration

    alias struct_flags_t = uint;

    Special information for structs.

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @trusted inout(Symbol)* list_symbol(inout list_t lst);

    Symbol Table

  • Declaration

    alias pflags_t = uint;

    Function parameters: Pident identifier of parameter Ptype type of argument Pelem default value for argument Psym symbol corresponding to Pident when using the parameter list as a symbol table For template-parameter-list: Pident identifier of parameter Ptype if NULL, this is a type-parameter else the type for a parameter-declaration value argument Pelem default value for value argument Pdeftype default value for type-parameter Pptpl template-parameter-list for template-template-parameter Psym default value for template-template-parameter For template-arg-list: (actual arguments) Pident NULL Ptype type-name Pelem expression (either Ptype or Pelem is NULL) Psym SCtemplate for template-template-argument

  • Declaration

    nothrow @nogc @trusted EHmethod ehmethod(Symbol* f);


    Symbol* f

    function symbol

    Return Value

    exception method for f

  • FL


    alias FL = ubyte;

    Element types. These should be combined with storage classes.

  • Declaration

    struct EEcontext;



    This is to support compiling expressions within the context of a function.

  • Declaration

    struct dt_t;

    Data definitions DTibytes 1..7 bytes DTabytes offset of bytes of data a { a data bytes } DTnbytes bytes of data a { a data bytes } a = offset DTazeros # of 0 bytes a DTsymsize same as DTazeros, but the type of the symbol gives the size DTcommon # of 0 bytes (in a common block) a DTxoff offset from symbol w a w = symbol number (pointer for CPP) a = offset DTcoff offset into code segment