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Function std.format.sformat

Format arguments into buffer buf which must be large enough to hold the result.

char[] sformat(alias fmt, Args...) (
  char[] buf,
  Args args
if (isSomeString!(typeof(fmt)));

char[] sformat(Char, Args...) (
  char[] buf,
  in Char[] fmt,
  Args args


The slice of buf containing the formatted string.


A RangeError if buf isn't large enough to hold the formatted string.

A FormatException if the length of args is different than the number of format specifiers in fmt.


The format string can be checked at compile-time (see format for details):

char[10] buf;

writeln(buf[].sformat!"foo%s"('C')); // "fooC"
writeln(sformat(buf[], "%s foo", "bar")); // "bar foo"
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Walter Bright, Andrei Alexandrescu, and Kenji Hara


Boost License 1.0.