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Module dmd.backend.cgobj

Compiler implementation of the D programming language.


addfixup(lr, offset, lcfd, framedatum, targetdatum) Add a new fixup to the fixup list. Write things out if we overflow the list.
addfixup(lr, offset, lcfd, framedatum, targetdatum) Add a new fixup to the fixup list. Write things out if we overflow the list.
error() Insert an index number.
error() Insert an index number.
getindex(p) Read index.
getindex(p) Read index.
getsegment() Allocate a new segment. Return index for the new segment.
getsegment() Allocate a new segment. Return index for the new segment.
instypidx(p, index) Insert a type index number.
instypidx(p, index) Insert a type index number.
ledata_new(seg, offset) Open up a new ledata record.
ledata_new(seg, offset) Open up a new ledata record.
linnum_flush() Flush any pending line number records.
linnum_flush() Flush any pending line number records.
linnum_term() Terminate line numbers.
linnum_term() Terminate line numbers.
obj_comment(x, string, len) Embed comment record.
obj_comment(x, string, len) Embed comment record.
obj_defaultlib() Put out default library name.
obj_defaultlib() Put out default library name.
obj_modend() Output a MODEND record.
obj_modend() Output a MODEND record.
obj_newfarseg(size, classidx) Remember where we put a far segment so we can adjust its size later.
obj_newfarseg(size, classidx) Remember where we put a far segment so we can adjust its size later.
objfixupp(f) Output the fixups in list fl.
objfixupp(f) Output the fixups in list fl.
objflush_pointerRef(s, soff) flush a single pointer reference saved by write_pointerRef to the object file
objflush_pointerRef(s, soff) flush a single pointer reference saved by write_pointerRef to the object file
objflush_pointerRefs() flush all pointer references saved by write_pointerRef to the object file
objflush_pointerRefs() flush all pointer references saved by write_pointerRef to the object file
objmodtoseg(modname) Convert module name to code segment name.
objmodtoseg(modname) Convert module name to code segment name.
objrecord(rectyp, record, reclen) Output an object file data record.
objrecord(rectyp, record, reclen) Output an object file data record.
objsegdef(attr, size, segnamidx, classnamidx) Put out a segment definition.
objsegdef(attr, size, segnamidx, classnamidx) Put out a segment definition.
OmfObj_alias(n1, n2) Output an alias definition record.
OmfObj_alias(n1, n2) Output an alias definition record.
OmfObj_allowZeroSize() Do we allow zero sized objects?
OmfObj_allowZeroSize() Do we allow zero sized objects?
OmfObj_byte(seg, offset, _byte) Output byte to object file.
OmfObj_byte(seg, offset, _byte) Output byte to object file.
OmfObj_bytes(seg, offset, nbytes, p) Output bytes to object file.
OmfObj_bytes(seg, offset, nbytes, p) Output bytes to object file.
OmfObj_codeseg(name, suffix) Define a new code segment.
OmfObj_codeseg(name, suffix) Define a new code segment.
OmfObj_comdatsize(s, symsize) Setup for Symbol s to go into a COMDAT segment. Output (if s is a function): cseg segment index of new current code segment Coffset starting offset in cseg
OmfObj_comdatsize(s, symsize) Setup for Symbol s to go into a COMDAT segment. Output (if s is a function): cseg segment index of new current code segment Coffset starting offset in cseg
OmfObj_compiler() Embed compiler version in .obj file.
OmfObj_compiler() Embed compiler version in .obj file.
OmfObj_data_readonly(p, len, pseg) Ouput read only data for data.
OmfObj_data_readonly(p, len, pseg) Ouput read only data for data.
OmfObj_data_start(sdata, datasize, seg) Update data information about symbol align for output and assign segment if not already specified.
OmfObj_data_start(sdata, datasize, seg) Update data information about symbol align for output and assign segment if not already specified.
OmfObj_dosseg() Output DOSSEG coment record.
OmfObj_dosseg() Output DOSSEG coment record.
OmfObj_ehtables(sfunc, size, ehsym) Stuff pointer to function in its own segment. Used for static ctor and dtor lists.
OmfObj_ehtables(sfunc, size, ehsym) Stuff pointer to function in its own segment. Used for static ctor and dtor lists.
OmfObj_exestr(p) Embed string in executable.
OmfObj_exestr(p) Embed string in executable.
OmfObj_export_symbol(s, argsize) Export a function name.
OmfObj_export_symbol(s, argsize) Export a function name.
OmfObj_external(s) Output an external definition.
OmfObj_external(s) Output an external definition.
OmfObj_far16thunk(s) Generate far16 thunk.
OmfObj_far16thunk(s) Generate far16 thunk.
OmfObj_fardata(name, size, poffset) Define a far data segment.
OmfObj_fardata(name, size, poffset) Define a far data segment.
OmfObj_fltused() Mark object file as using floating point.
OmfObj_fltused() Mark object file as using floating point.
OmfObj_func_term(sfunc) Update function info after codgen
OmfObj_func_term(sfunc) Update function info after codgen
OmfObj_import(e) Convert reference to imported name.
OmfObj_import(e) Convert reference to imported name.
OmfObj_includelib(name) Output library name.
OmfObj_includelib(name) Output library name.
OmfObj_init(objbuf, filename, csegname) Perform initialization that applies to all .obj output files.
OmfObj_init(objbuf, filename, csegname) Perform initialization that applies to all .obj output files.
OmfObj_initfile(filename, csegname, modname) Initialize the start of object output for this particular .obj file.
OmfObj_initfile(filename, csegname, modname) Initialize the start of object output for this particular .obj file.
OmfObj_ledata(seg, offset, data, lcfd, idx1, idx2) Output word of data. (Two words if segment:offset pair.)
OmfObj_ledata(seg, offset, data, lcfd, idx1, idx2) Output word of data. (Two words if segment:offset pair.)
OmfObj_lidata(seg, offset, count) Output an iterated data block of 0s. (uninitialized data only)
OmfObj_lidata(seg, offset, count) Output an iterated data block of 0s. (uninitialized data only)
OmfObj_linkerdirective(name) Output linker directive.
OmfObj_linkerdirective(name) Output linker directive.
OmfObj_linnum(srcpos, seg, offset) Line number support.
OmfObj_linnum(srcpos, seg, offset) Line number support.
OmfObj_lzext(s1, s2) Output a lazy extern record. s1 is the lazy extern, s2 is its default resolution.
OmfObj_lzext(s1, s2) Output a lazy extern record. s1 is the lazy extern, s2 is its default resolution.
OmfObj_mangle(s, dest) Mangle a name.
OmfObj_mangle(s, dest) Mangle a name.
OmfObj_moduleinfo(scc) Append pointer to ModuleInfo to "FM" segment. The FM segment is bracketed by the empty FMB and FME segments.
OmfObj_moduleinfo(scc) Append pointer to ModuleInfo to "FM" segment. The FM segment is bracketed by the empty FMB and FME segments.
OmfObj_reftocodeseg(seg, offset, val) Refer to address that is in the code segment. Only offsets are output, regardless of the memory model. Used to put values in switch address tables.
OmfObj_reftocodeseg(seg, offset, val) Refer to address that is in the code segment. Only offsets are output, regardless of the memory model. Used to put values in switch address tables.
OmfObj_reftodatseg(seg, offset, val, targetdatum, flags) Refer to address that is in the data segment.
OmfObj_reftodatseg(seg, offset, val, targetdatum, flags) Refer to address that is in the data segment.
OmfObj_reftofarseg(seg, offset, val, farseg, flags) Refer to address that is in a far segment.
OmfObj_reftofarseg(seg, offset, val, farseg, flags) Refer to address that is in a far segment.
OmfObj_reftoident(seg, offset, s, val, flags) Refer to an identifier.
OmfObj_reftoident(seg, offset, s, val, flags) Refer to an identifier.
OmfObj_segment_group(codesize, datasize, cdatasize, udatasize) Output segment and group definitions.
OmfObj_segment_group(codesize, datasize, cdatasize, udatasize) Output segment and group definitions.
OmfObj_setcodeseg(seg) Reset code seg to existing seg. Used after a COMDAT for a function is done.
OmfObj_setcodeseg(seg) Reset code seg to existing seg. Used after a COMDAT for a function is done.
OmfObj_setModuleCtorDtor(s, isCtor) Set up function to be called as static constructor on program startup or static destructor on program shutdown.
OmfObj_setModuleCtorDtor(s, isCtor) Set up function to be called as static constructor on program startup or static destructor on program shutdown.
OmfObj_startaddress(s) Set start address
OmfObj_startaddress(s) Set start address
OmfObj_staticctor(s, dtor, seg) Symbol is the function that calls the static constructors. Put a pointer to it into a special segment that the startup code looks at.
OmfObj_staticctor(s, dtor, seg) Symbol is the function that calls the static constructors. Put a pointer to it into a special segment that the startup code looks at.
OmfObj_string_literal_segment(sz) Get segment for readonly string literals. The linker will pool strings in this section.
OmfObj_string_literal_segment(sz) Get segment for readonly string literals. The linker will pool strings in this section.
OmfObj_sym_cdata(ty, p, len) Output read only data and generate a symbol for it.
OmfObj_sym_cdata(ty, p, len) Output read only data and generate a symbol for it.
OmfObj_term(objfilename) Terminate package.
OmfObj_term(objfilename) Terminate package.
OmfObj_termfile() Fixup and terminate object file.
OmfObj_termfile() Fixup and terminate object file.
OmfObj_theadr(modname) Output module name record.
OmfObj_theadr(modname) Output module name record.
OmfObj_tlsseg_bss() Define segment for Thread Local Storage.
OmfObj_tlsseg_bss() Define segment for Thread Local Storage.
OmfObj_user(p) Embed string in obj.
OmfObj_user(p) Embed string in obj.
OmfObj_wkext(s1, s2) Output a weak extern record. s1 is the weak extern, s2 is its default resolution.
OmfObj_wkext(s1, s2) Output a weak extern record. s1 is the weak extern, s2 is its default resolution.
OmfObj_write_byte(pseg, _byte) Append byte to segment.
OmfObj_write_byte(pseg, _byte) Append byte to segment.
OmfObj_write_bytes(pseg, nbytes, p) Append bytes to segment.
OmfObj_write_bytes(pseg, nbytes, p) Append bytes to segment.
OmfObj_write_long(seg, offset, data, lcfd, idx1, idx2) Output long word of data.
OmfObj_write_long(seg, offset, data, lcfd, idx1, idx2) Output long word of data.
OmfObj_write_pointerRef(s, soff) write a reference to a mutable pointer into the object file
OmfObj_write_pointerRef(s, soff) write a reference to a mutable pointer into the object file
OmfObj_write_zeros(pseg, count) Append an iterated data block of 0s. (uninitialized data only)
OmfObj_write_zeros(pseg, count) Append an iterated data block of 0s. (uninitialized data only)
outextdata() Output an external definition.
outextdata() Output an external definition.
outpubdata() Output a public definition.
outpubdata() Output a public definition.
SEG_ATTR(A, C, B, P) For defining segments.
SEG_ATTR(A, C, B, P) For defining segments.
storelength(length, i) Output a common block definition.
storelength(length, i) Output a common block definition.


FIXUP Fixup list.
FIXUP Fixup list.
Objstate State of object file.
Objstate State of object file.

Manifest constants

CODECLASS Output header stuff for object files.
CODECLASS Output header stuff for object files.
LEDATAMAX Ledata records
LEDATAMAX Ledata records
LINNUMMAX Line number support.
LINNUMMAX Line number support.


Walter Bright


Boost License 1.0