Enum member std.experimental.logger.core.moduleLogLevel
This template returns the LogLevel
named "logLevel" of type LogLevel
defined in a user defined module where the filename has the
suffix "loggerconfig.d". This LogLevel
sets the minimal LogLevel
of the module.
enum moduleLogLevel(string moduleName)
= LogLevel .all;
template moduleLogLevel(string moduleName)
A minimal LogLevel
can be defined on a per module basis.
In order to define a module LogLevel
a file with a modulename
"MODULENAME_loggerconfig" must be found. If no such module exists and the
module is a nested module, it is checked if there exists a
"PARENT_MODULE_loggerconfig" module with such a symbol.
If this module exists and it contains a LogLevel
called logLevel this LogLevel
will be used. This parent lookup is continued until there is no
parent module. Then the moduleLogLevel is LogLevel
Enum member moduleLogLevel
Template moduleLogLevel
static assert(moduleLogLevel!"" == LogLevel .all);
static assert(moduleLogLevel!"not.amodule.path" == LogLevel .all);