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Most of the logic to implement scoped pointers and scoped references is here.
Compiler implementation of the D programming language.

Source escape.d

bool checkMutableArguments(Scope* sc, FuncDeclaration fd, TypeFunction tf, Expression ethis, Expressions* arguments, bool gag);
Checks memory objects passed to a function. Checks that if a memory object is passed by ref or by pointer, all of the refs or pointers are const, or there is only one mutable ref or pointer to it.

References DIP 1021

Scope* sc used to determine current function and module
FuncDeclaration fd function being called
TypeFunction tf fd's type
Expression ethis if not null, the this pointer
Expressions* arguments actual arguments to function
bool gag do not print error messages
true if error
bool checkArrayLiteralEscape(Scope* sc, ArrayLiteralExp ae, bool gag);
Array literal is going to be allocated on the GC heap. Check its elements to see if any would escape by going on the heap.
Scope* sc used to determine current function and module
ArrayLiteralExp ae array literal expression
bool gag do not print error messages
true if any elements escaped
bool checkAssocArrayLiteralEscape(Scope* sc, AssocArrayLiteralExp ae, bool gag);
Associative array literal is going to be allocated on the GC heap. Check its elements to see if any would escape by going on the heap.
Scope* sc used to determine current function and module
AssocArrayLiteralExp ae associative array literal expression
bool gag do not print error messages
true if any elements escaped
bool checkParamArgumentEscape(Scope* sc, FuncDeclaration fdc, Parameter par, Expression arg, bool gag);
Function parameter par is being initialized to arg, and par may escape. Detect if scoped values can escape this way. Print error messages when these are detected.
Scope* sc used to determine current function and module
FuncDeclaration fdc function being called, null if called indirectly
Parameter par function parameter (this if null)
Expression arg initializer for param
bool gag do not print error messages
true if pointers to the stack can escape via assignment
bool checkParamArgumentReturn(Scope* sc, Expression firstArg, Expression arg, bool gag);
Function argument initializes a return parameter, and that parameter gets assigned to firstArg. Essentially, treat as firstArg = arg;
Scope* sc used to determine current function and module
Expression firstArg ref argument through which arg may be assigned
Expression arg initializer for parameter
bool gag do not print error messages
true if assignment to firstArg would cause an error
bool checkConstructorEscape(Scope* sc, CallExp ce, bool gag);
Check struct constructor of the form s.this(args), by checking each return parameter to see if it gets assigned to s.
Scope* sc used to determine current function and module
CallExp ce constructor call of the form s.this(args)
bool gag do not print error messages
true if construction would cause an escaping reference error
bool checkAssignEscape(Scope* sc, Expression e, bool gag);
Given an AssignExp, determine if the lvalue will cause the contents of the rvalue to escape. Print error messages when these are detected. Infer scope attribute for the lvalue where possible, in order to eliminate the error.
Scope* sc used to determine current function and module
Expression e AssignExp or CatAssignExp to check for any pointers to the stack
bool gag do not print error messages
true if pointers to the stack can escape via assignment
bool checkThrowEscape(Scope* sc, Expression e, bool gag);
Detect cases where pointers to the stack can escape the lifetime of the stack frame when throwing e. Print error messages when these are detected.
Scope* sc used to determine current function and module
Expression e expression to check for any pointers to the stack
bool gag do not print error messages
true if pointers to the stack can escape
bool checkNewEscape(Scope* sc, Expression e, bool gag);
Detect cases where pointers to the stack can escape the lifetime of the stack frame by being placed into a GC allocated object. Print error messages when these are detected.
Scope* sc used to determine current function and module
Expression e expression to check for any pointers to the stack
bool gag do not print error messages
true if pointers to the stack can escape
bool checkReturnEscape(Scope* sc, Expression e, bool gag);
Detect cases where pointers to the stack can escape the lifetime of the stack frame by returning e by value. Print error messages when these are detected.
Scope* sc used to determine current function and module
Expression e expression to check for any pointers to the stack
bool gag do not print error messages
true if pointers to the stack can escape
bool checkReturnEscapeRef(Scope* sc, Expression e, bool gag);
Detect cases where returning e by ref can result in a reference to the stack being returned. Print error messages when these are detected.
Scope* sc used to determine current function and module
Expression e expression to check
bool gag do not print error messages
true if references to the stack can escape
void escapeByValue(Expression e, EscapeByResults* er, bool live = false);
e is an expression to be returned by value, and that value contains pointers. Walk e to determine which variables are possibly being returned by value, such as: int* function(int* p) { return p; } If e is a form of &p, determine which variables have content which is being returned as ref, such as: int* function(int i) { return &i; } Multiple variables can be inserted, because of expressions like this: int function(bool b, int i, int* p) { return b ? &i : p; }
No side effects.
Expression e expression to be returned by value
EscapeByResults* er where to place collected data
bool live if @live semantics apply, i.e. expressions p, *p, **p, etc., all return p.
void escapeByRef(Expression e, EscapeByResults* er, bool live = false);
e is an expression to be returned by 'ref'. Walk e to determine which variables are possibly being returned by ref, such as: ref int function(int i) { return i; } If e is a form of *p, determine which variables have content which is being returned as ref, such as: ref int function(int* p) { return *p; } Multiple variables can be inserted, because of expressions like this: ref int function(bool b, int i, int* p) { return b ? i : *p; }
No side effects.
Expression e expression to be returned by 'ref'
EscapeByResults* er where to place collected data
bool live if @live semantics apply, i.e. expressions p, *p, **p, etc., all return p.
struct EscapeByResults;
Aggregate the data collected by the escapeBy??() functions.
void reset();
Reset arrays so the storage can be used again
void findAllOuterAccessedVariables(FuncDeclaration fd, VarDeclarations* vars);
Find all variables accessed by this delegate that are in functions enclosing it.
FuncDeclaration fd function
VarDeclarations* vars array to append found variables to
void notMaybeScope(VarDeclaration v);
Turn off STC.maybescope for variable v.
This exists in order to find where STC.maybescope is getting turned off.
VarDeclaration v variable
void eliminateMaybeScopes(VarDeclaration[] array);
Have some variables that are maybescopes that were assigned values from other maybescope variables. Now that semantic analysis of the function is complete, we can finalize this by turning off maybescope for array elements that cannot be scope.
Scope Table
vav => va v
maybemaybe => scope scope
scopescope => scope scope
scopemaybe => scope scope
maybescope => scope scope
- - => - -
- maybe => - -
- scope => error error
maybe- => scope -
scope- => scope -
VarDeclaration[] array array of variables that were assigned to from maybescope variables
bool isReferenceToMutable(Type t);
Is type a reference to a mutable value?
This is used to determine if an argument that does not have a corresponding Parameter, i.e. a variadic argument, is a pointer to mutable data.
Type t type of the argument
true if it's a pointer (or reference) to mutable data
bool isReferenceToMutable(Parameter p, Type t);
Is parameter a reference to a mutable value?
This is used if an argument has a corresponding Parameter. The argument type is necessary if the Parameter is inout.
Parameter p Parameter to check
Type t type of corresponding argument
true if it's a pointer (or reference) to mutable data