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std.base64.Base64Impl.Decoder/decoder - multiple declarations

Function Base64Impl.decoder

Construct a Decoder that iterates over the decoding of the given Base64 encoded data.

Base64Impl.Decoder!Range decoder(Range) (
  Range range
if (isInputRange!Range);


range An input range over the data to be decoded.


If range is a range of characters, a Decoder that iterates over the bytes of the corresponding Base64 decoding.

If range is a range of ranges of characters, a Decoder that iterates over the decoded strings corresponding to each element of the range. In this case, the length of each subrange must be a multiple of 4; the returned decoder does not keep track of Base64 decoding state across subrange boundaries.

In both cases, the returned Decoder will be a forward range if the given range is at least a forward range, otherwise it will be only an input range.

If the input data contains characters not found in the base alphabet of the current Base64 encoding scheme, the returned range may throw a Base64Exception.


This example shows decoding over a range of input data lines.

foreach (decoded; Base64.decoder(stdin.byLine()))


This example shows decoding one byte at a time.

auto encoded = Base64.encoder(cast(ubyte[])"0123456789");
foreach (n; map!q{a - '0'}(Base64.decoder(encoded)))

Struct Base64Impl.Decoder

An input range that iterates over the bytes of data decoded from a Base64 encoded string.

struct Decoder(Range)
if (isInputRange!Range && is(ElementType!Range : char));

This range will be a forward range if the underlying data source is at least a forward range.


empty[get] bool
front[get] ubyte
save[get] typeof(this)Saves the current iteration state.


popFront () Advance to the next decoded byte.


This struct is not intended to be created in user code directly; use the decoder function instead.

Struct Base64Impl.Decoder

An input range that iterates over the decoded data of a range of Base64 encodings.

struct Decoder(Range)
if (isInputRange!Range && (is(ElementType!Range : const(char)[]) || is(ElementType!Range : const(ubyte)[])));

This range will be a forward range if the underlying data source is at least a forward range.


empty[get] bool
front[get] ubyte[]
save[get] typeof(this)Saves the current iteration state.


popFront () Advance to the next element in the input to be decoded.


This struct is not intended to be created in user code directly; use the decoder function instead.


Masahiro Nakagawa, Daniel Murphy (Single value Encoder and Decoder)


Boost License 1.0.