The following (incomplete) list of people have contributed to the D language project; with ideas, code, expertise, marketing, inspiration and moral support.
Andrei Alexandrescu, Kris Bell, Don Clugston, Hauke Duden, Bruce Eckel, Eric Engstrom, Dave Fladebo, David Friedman, Stewart Gordon, Kenji Hara, Christian Hartung, David Held, Ben Hinkle, Kazuhiro Inaba, Jan Knepper, Thomas Kuehne, Helmut Leitner, Lubomir Litchev, Bartosz Milewski, Christopher E. Miller, Pavel Minayev, Antonio Monteiro, Paul Nash, Pat Nelson, Derek Parnell, Burton Radons, Tim Rentsch, Fabio Riccardi, Brad Roberts, Bob Taniguchi, Bob W, John Whited, Matthew Wilson, Peter Zatloukal