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std.experimental.checkedint.Checked.this - multiple declarations

Function Checked.this

Constructor taking a value properly convertible to the underlying type. U may be either an integral that can be converted to T without a loss, or another Checked instance whose representation may be in turn converted to T without a loss.

this(U) (
  U rhs
if (valueConvertible!(U, T) || !isIntegral!T && is(typeof(T(rhs))) || is(U == Checked!(V, W), V, W) && is(typeof(Checked!(T, Hook)(rhs.get))));


auto a = checked(42L);
writeln(a); // 42
auto b = Checked!long(4242); // convert 4242 to long
writeln(b); // 4242

Function Checked.this

Construct from a decimal string. The conversion follows the same rules as to converting a string to the wrapped T type.

this(Range) (
  Range str
if (isInputRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementType!Range));


str an input range of characters


to can convert a string to a Checked!T:

import std.conv : to;

const a = to!long("1234");
const b = to!(Checked!long)("1234");
writeln(a); // b

