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Function std.stdio.File.byLineCopy

Returns an input range set up to read from the file handle one line at a time. Each line will be newly allocated. front will cache its value to allow repeated calls without unnecessary allocations.

auto byLineCopy(Terminator, Char) (
  KeepTerminator keepTerminator = No.keepTerminator,
  Terminator terminator = '\x0a'
if (isScalarType!Terminator);

auto byLineCopy(Terminator, Char) (
  KeepTerminator keepTerminator,
  Terminator terminator
if (is(immutable(ElementEncodingType!Terminator) == immutable(Char)));


Due to caching byLineCopy can be more memory-efficient than!idup.

The element type for the range will be Char[]. Range primitives may throw StdioException on I/O error.


Char Character type for each line, defaulting to immutable char.
keepTerminator Use Yes.keepTerminator to include the terminator at the end of each line.
terminator Line separator ('\n' by default). Use newline for portability (unless the file was opened in text mode).


import std.algorithm, std.array, std.stdio;
// Print sorted lines of a file.
void main()
    auto sortedLines = File("file.txt")   // Open for reading
                       .byLineCopy()      // Read persistent lines
                       .array()           // into an array
                       .sort();           // then sort them
    foreach (line; sortedLines)

See Also



Walter Bright, Andrei Alexandrescu, Alex Rønne Petersen


Boost License 1.0.