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std.datetime.interval.Interval.shift - multiple declarations

Function Interval.shift

Shifts the interval forward or backwards in time by the given duration (a positive duration shifts the interval forward; a negative duration shifts it backward). Effectively, it does begin += duration and end += duration.

void shift(D) (
  D duration
) pure
if (__traits(compiles, begin + duration));


duration The duration to shift the interval by.


DateTimeException this interval is empty or if the resulting interval would be invalid.


auto interval1 = Interval!Date(Date(1996, 1, 2), Date(2012, 4, 5));
auto interval2 = Interval!Date(Date(1996, 1, 2), Date(2012, 4, 5));

assert(interval1 == Interval!Date(Date(1996, 2, 21), Date(2012, 5, 25)));

assert(interval2 == Interval!Date(Date(1995, 11, 13), Date(2012, 2, 15)));

Function Interval.shift

Shifts the interval forward or backwards in time by the given number of years and/or months (a positive number of years and months shifts the interval forward; a negative number shifts it backward). It adds the years the given years and months to both begin and end. It effectively calls add!"years"() and then add!"months"() on begin and end with the given number of years and months.

void shift(T) (
  T years,
  T months = 0,
  AllowDayOverflow allowOverflow = AllowDayOverflow.yes
if (isIntegral!T);


years The number of years to shift the interval by.
months The number of months to shift the interval by.
allowOverflow Whether the days should be allowed to overflow on begin and end, causing their month to increment.


DateTimeException if this interval is empty or if the resulting interval would be invalid.


auto interval1 = Interval!Date(Date(1996, 1, 2), Date(2012, 3, 1));
auto interval2 = Interval!Date(Date(1996, 1, 2), Date(2012, 3, 1));

assert(interval1 == Interval!Date(Date(1998, 1, 2), Date(2014, 3, 1)));

assert(interval2 == Interval!Date(Date(1994, 1, 2), Date(2010, 3, 1)));


Jonathan M Davis


Boost License 1.0.