Reads an input range according to a format string and stores the read values into its arguments.
uint formattedRead(Range, Char, Args...)
auto ref Range r,
const(Char)[] fmt,
auto ref Args args
uint formattedRead(alias fmt, Range, Args...)
auto ref Range r,
auto ref Args args
if (isSomeString!(typeof(fmt)));
Format specifiers with format character 'd', 'u' and 'c' can take a '*' parameter for skipping values.
The second version of formattedRead
takes the format string as
template argument. In this case, it is checked for consistency at
Name | Description |
r | an input range, where the formatted input is read from |
fmt | a format string |
args | a variadic list of arguments where the read values are stored |
Range | the type of the input range r |
Char | the character type used for fmt |
Args | a variadic list of types of the arguments |
The number of variables filled. If the input range r
ends early,
this number will be less than the number of variables provided.
A FormatException if reading did not succeed.
For backward compatibility the arguments args
can be given as pointers
to that variable, but it is not recommended to do so, because this
option might be removed in the future.
string object;
char cmp;
int value;
writeln(formattedRead("angle < 36", "%s %c %d", object, cmp, value)); // 3
writeln(object); // "angle"
writeln(cmp); // '<'
writeln(value); // 36
// reading may end early:
writeln(formattedRead("length >", "%s %c %d", object, cmp, value)); // 2
writeln(object); // "length"
writeln(cmp); // '>'
// value is not changed:
writeln(value); // 36
The format string can be checked at compile-time:
string a;
int b;
double c;
writeln("hello!124:34.5" .formattedRead!"%s!%s:%s"(a, b, c)); // 3
writeln(a); // "hello"
writeln(b); // 124
writeln(c); // 34.5
Skipping values
string item;
double amount;
writeln("orange: (12%) 15.25" .formattedRead("%s: (%*d%%) %f", item, amount)); // 2
writeln(item); // "orange"
writeln(amount); // 15.25
// can also be used with tuples
import std .typecons : Tuple;
Tuple!(int, float) t;
char[] line = "1 7643 2.125" .dup;
formattedRead(line, "%s %*u %s", t);
assert(t[0] == 1 && t[1] == 2.125);
Walter Bright, Andrei Alexandrescu, and Kenji Hara