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Function std.random.dice

Rolls a dice with relative probabilities stored in proportions. Returns the index in proportions that was chosen.

{null} dice(Rng, Num)()
if (isNumeric!Num && isForwardRange!Rng);

size_t dice(R, Range) (
  ref R rnd,
  Range proportions
if (isForwardRange!Range && isNumeric!(ElementType!Range) && !isArray!Range);

size_t dice(Range) (
  Range proportions
if (isForwardRange!Range && isNumeric!(ElementType!Range) && !isArray!Range);

{null} dice(Num)()
if (isNumeric!Num);


rnd (optional) random number generator to use; if not specified, defaults to rndGen
proportions forward range or list of individual values whose elements correspond to the probabilities with which to choose the corresponding index value


Random variate drawn from the index values [0, ... proportions.length - 1], with the probability of getting an individual index value i being proportional to proportions[i].


auto x = dice(0.5, 0.5);   // x is 0 or 1 in equal proportions
auto y = dice(50, 50);     // y is 0 or 1 in equal proportions
auto z = dice(70, 20, 10); // z is 0 70% of the time, 1 20% of the time,
                           // and 2 10% of the time


auto rnd = MinstdRand0(42);
auto z = rnd.dice(70, 20, 10);
writeln(z); // 0
z = rnd.dice(30, 20, 40, 10);
writeln(z); // 2


auto rnd = Xorshift(123_456_789);
auto i = dice(rnd, 0.0, 100.0);
writeln(i); // 1
i = dice(rnd, 100.0, 0.0);
writeln(i); // 0

i = dice(100U, 0U);
writeln(i); // 0


Andrei Alexandrescu Masahiro Nakagawa (Xorshift random generator) Joseph Rushton Wakeling (Algorithm D for random sampling) Ilya Yaroshenko (Mersenne Twister implementation, adapted from mir-random)


Boost License 1.0.