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Interface Declarations

An Interface describes a list of functions that a class which inherits from the interface must implement.

    interface Identifier ;
    interface Identifier BaseInterfaceListopt AggregateBody
BaseInterfaceList: : Interfaces
Implementation Defined:

Specialized interfaces may be supported:

  1. COM Interfaces are binary compatible with COM/OLE/ActiveX objects for Windows.
  2. C++ Interfaces are binary compatible with C++ abstract classes.
  3. Objective-C Interfaces are binary compatible with Objective-C protocols.

A class that implements an interface can be implicitly converted to a reference to that interface.

Interfaces cannot derive from classes; only from other interfaces. Classes cannot derive from an interface multiple times.

interface I
    void foo();

class A : I, I  // error, duplicate interface

An instance of an interface cannot be created.

interface I
    void foo();


I iface = new I();  // error, cannot create instance of interface

Interface Method Bodies

Virtual interface member functions do not have implementations. Interfaces are expected to implement static or final functions.

interface I
    void bar() { }  // error, implementation not allowed
    static void foo() { } // ok
    final void abc() { } // ok

Interfaces can have function templates in the members. All instantiated functions are implicitly final.

interface I
    void foo(T)() { }  // ok, it's implicitly final

Classes that inherit from an interface may not override final or static interface member functions.

interface I
    void bar();
    static void foo() { }
    final void abc() { }

class C : I
    void bar() { } // ok
    void foo() { } // error, cannot override static
    void abc() { } // error, cannot override final

Implementing Interfaces

All virtual interface functions must be defined in a class that inherits from that interface:

interface I
    void foo();

class A : I
    void foo() { }  // ok, provides implementation

class B : I
    int foo() { }   // error, no `void foo()` implementation

Interfaces can be inherited from a base class, and interface functions overridden:

interface I
    int foo();

class A : I
    int foo() { return 1; }

class B : A
    override int foo() { return 2; }

B b = new B();
assert( == 2);

I i = b;    // ok since B inherits A's I implementation
assert( == 2);

Reimplementing Interfaces

Interfaces can be reimplemented in derived classes:

interface I
    int foo();

class A : I
    int foo() { return 1; }

class B : A, I
    override int foo() { return 2; }

B b = new B();
assert( == 2);
I i = b;
assert( == 2);

A a = b;
I i2 = a;
assert( == 2); // i2 has A's virtual pointer for foo which points to

A reimplemented interface must implement all the interface functions, it does not inherit them from a super class:

interface I
    int foo();

class A : I
    int foo() { return 1; }

class B : A, I
}       // error, no foo() for interface I

Interface Method Contracts

Interface member functions can have contracts even though there is no body for the function. The contracts are inherited by any class member function that implements that interface member function.

interface I
    int foo(int i)
    in { assert(i > 7); }
    out (result) { assert(result & 1); }

    void bar();

Const and Immutable Interfaces

If an interface has const or immutable storage class, then all members of the interface are const or immutable. This storage class is not inherited.

COM Interfaces

A variant on interfaces is the COM interface. A COM interface is designed to map directly onto a Windows COM object. Any COM object can be represented by a COM interface, and any D object with a COM interface can be used by external COM clients.

A COM interface is defined as one that derives from the interface­ A COM interface differs from a regular D interface in that:

See also Modern COM Programming in D

C++ Interfaces

C++ interfaces are interfaces declared with C++ linkage:

extern (C++) interface Ifoo
    void foo();
    void bar();
which is meant to correspond with the following C++ declaration:
class Ifoo
    virtual void foo();
    virtual void bar();

Any interface that derives from a C++ interface is also a C++ interface. A C++ interface differs from a D interface in that:
