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Struct std.experimental.allocator.ThreadLocal
Stores an allocator object in thread-local storage (i.e. non-shared
global). ThreadLocal!A
is a subtype of A
so it appears to implement
's allocator primitives.
struct ThreadLocal(A)
must hold state, otherwise ThreadLocal!A
refuses instantiation. This
means e.g. ThreadLocal!Mallocator
does not work because Mallocator
state is not stored as members of Mallocator
, but instead is hidden in the
C library implementation.
Name | Description |
ThreadLocal disables all constructors. The intended usage is
ThreadLocal!A .
Name | Type | Description |
A | The allocator instance. |
import std .experimental .allocator .building_blocks .free_list : FreeList;
import std .experimental .allocator .gc_allocator : GCAllocator;
import std .experimental .allocator .mallocator : Mallocator;
static assert(!is(ThreadLocal!Mallocator));
static assert(!is(ThreadLocal!GCAllocator));
alias Allocator = ThreadLocal!(FreeList!(GCAllocator, 0, 8));
auto b = Allocator .instance .allocate(5);
static assert(__traits(hasMember, Allocator, "allocate"));
Application output
import std .experimental .allocator .building_blocks .allocator_list : AllocatorList;
import std .experimental .allocator .building_blocks .bitmapped_block : BitmappedBlock;
import std .experimental .allocator .building_blocks .segregator : Segregator;
import std .experimental .allocator .building_blocks .bucketizer : Bucketizer;
import std .experimental .allocator .building_blocks .free_list : FreeList;
import std .experimental .allocator .gc_allocator : GCAllocator;
/// Define an allocator bound to the built-in GC.
auto alloc = allocatorObject(GCAllocator .instance);
auto b = alloc .allocate(42);
writeln(b .length); // 42
assert(alloc .deallocate(b));
import std .algorithm .comparison : max;
// Define an elaborate allocator and bind it to the class API.
alias FList = FreeList!(GCAllocator, 0, unbounded);
alias A = ThreadLocal!(
8, FreeList!(GCAllocator, 0, 8),
128, Bucketizer!(FList, 1, 128, 16),
256, Bucketizer!(FList, 129, 256, 32),
512, Bucketizer!(FList, 257, 512, 64),
1024, Bucketizer!(FList, 513, 1024, 128),
2048, Bucketizer!(FList, 1025, 2048, 256),
3584, Bucketizer!(FList, 2049, 3584, 512),
4072 * 1024, AllocatorList!(
(n) => BitmappedBlock!(4096)(cast(ubyte[]) GCAllocator .instance .allocate(
max(n, 4072 * 1024)))),
auto alloc2 = allocatorObject(A .instance);
b = alloc2 .allocate(101);
assert(alloc2 .deallocate(b));
Application output
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