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Struct std.int128.Int128

128 bit signed integer type.

struct Int128 ;


this (lo) Construct an Int128 from a long value. The upper 64 bits are formed by sign extension.
this (lo) Construct an Int128 from a ulong value. The upper 64 bits are set to zero.
this (hi, lo) Construct an Int128 from a long value.
this (data) Construct an Int128 from a Cent.


data core.int128.Centcore.int128.Cent


opBinary (op2) Support binary arithmetic operators + - * / % & | ^ << >> >>>
opBinaryRight (op2) Support binary arithmetic operators + - * / % & | ^ << >> >>>
opCast () Support casting to a bool
opCmp (op2) support signed arithmentic comparison operators < <= > >=
opEquals (lo) Compare for equality
opEquals (lo) Compare for equality
opEquals (op2) Compare for equality
opOpAssign (op2) arithmetic assignment operators += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^= <<= >>= >>>=
opUnary () Support unary arithmentic operator +
opUnary () Support unary arithmentic operator - ~
opUnary () Support unary arithmentic operator ++ --
toHash ()


Int128 tests

Int128 c = Int128(5, 6);
writeln(c); // c
writeln(c); // +c
writeln(c); // --c
writeln(~c); // Int128(~5, ~6)
writeln(c); // Int128(5, 7)
writeln(--c); // Int128(5, 6)

writeln(c + Int128(10, 20)); // Int128(15, 26)
writeln(c - Int128(1, 2)); // Int128(4, 4)
writeln(c * Int128(100, 2)); // Int128(610, 12)
writeln(c / Int128(3, 2)); // Int128(0, 1)
writeln(c % Int128(3, 2)); // Int128(2, 4)
writeln((c & Int128(3, 2))); // Int128(1, 2)
writeln((c | Int128(3, 2))); // Int128(7, 6)
writeln((c ^ Int128(3, 2))); // Int128(6, 4)

writeln(c + 15); // Int128(5, 21)
writeln(c - 15); // Int128(4, -9)
writeln(c * 15); // Int128(75, 90)
writeln(c / 15); // Int128(0, 6148914691236517205)
writeln(c % 15); // Int128(0, 11)
writeln((c & 15)); // Int128(0, 6)
writeln((c | 15)); // Int128(5, 15)
writeln((c ^ 15)); // Int128(5, 9)

writeln(15 + c); // Int128(5, 21)
writeln(15 - c); // Int128(-5, 9)
writeln(15 * c); // Int128(75, 90)
writeln(15 / c); // Int128(0, 0)
writeln(15 % c); // Int128(0, 15)
writeln((15 & c)); // Int128(0, 6)
writeln((15 | c)); // Int128(5, 15)
writeln((15 ^ c)); // Int128(5, 9)

writeln(c << 1); // Int128(10, 12)
writeln(-c >> 1); // Int128(-3, 9223372036854775805)
writeln(-c >>> 1); // Int128(9223372036854775805, 9223372036854775805)

writeln((c += 1)); // Int128(5, 7)
writeln((c -= 1)); // Int128(5, 6)
writeln((c += Int128(0, 1))); // Int128(5, 7)
writeln((c -= Int128(0, 1))); // Int128(5, 6)
writeln((c *= 2)); // Int128(10, 12)
writeln((c /= 2)); // Int128(5, 6)
writeln((c %= 2)); // Int128()
c += Int128(5, 6);
writeln((c *= Int128(10, 20))); // Int128(160, 120)
writeln((c /= Int128(10, 20))); // Int128(0, 15)
c += Int128(72, 0);
writeln((c %= Int128(10, 20))); // Int128(1, -125)
writeln((c &= Int128(3, 20))); // Int128(1, 0)
writeln((c |= Int128(8, 2))); // Int128(9, 2)
writeln((c ^= Int128(8, 2))); // Int128(1, 0)
c |= Int128(10, 5);
writeln((c <<= 1)); // Int128(11 * 2, 5 * 2)
writeln((c >>>= 1)); // Int128(11, 5)
c = Int128(long.min, long.min);
writeln((c >>= 1)); // Int128(long.min >> 1, cast(ulong)long.min >> 1)

writeln(-Int128.min); // Int128.min
writeln(Int128.max + 1); // Int128.min

c = Int128(5, 6);
assert(c < Int128(6, 5));
assert(c > 10);

c = Int128(-1UL);
writeln(c); // -1UL
c = Int128(-1L);
writeln(c); // -1L



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