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This code handles decoding UTF strings for foreach_reverse loops.
Walter Bright, Sean Kelly
alias dg_t = int delegate(void* c);
Delegate type corresponding to transformed loop body
The parameter is a pointer to the current char, wchar or dchar
non-zero when a break statement is hit
int _aApplyRcd1(in char[] aa, dg_t dg);

int _aApplyRwd1(in wchar[] aa, dg_t dg);

int _aApplyRcw1(in char[] aa, dg_t dg);

int _aApplyRwc1(in wchar[] aa, dg_t dg);

int _aApplyRdc1(in dchar[] aa, dg_t dg);

int _aApplyRdw1(in dchar[] aa, dg_t dg);
Same as _aApplyXXX functions, but for foreach_reverse
char[] aa input string
dg_t dg foreach body transformed into a delegate, similar to opApply
non-zero when the loop was exited through a break
alias dg2_t = int delegate(void* i, void* c);
Delegate type corresponding to transformed loop body
Parameters are pointers to a size_t loop index, and the current char, wchar or dchar.
non-zero when a break statement is hit
int _aApplyRcd2(in char[] aa, dg2_t dg);

int _aApplyRwd2(in wchar[] aa, dg2_t dg);

int _aApplyRcw2(in char[] aa, dg2_t dg);

int _aApplyRwc2(in wchar[] aa, dg2_t dg);

int _aApplyRdc2(in dchar[] aa, dg2_t dg);

int _aApplyRdw2(in dchar[] aa, dg2_t dg);
Variants of aApplyRXXX that include a loop index.