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Function std.uni.InversionList.toString

Obtain a textual representation of this InversionList in form of open-right intervals.

void toString(Writer) (
  scope Writer sink,
  scope const ref FormatSpec!char fmt

The formatting flag is applied individually to each value, for example:

  • %s and %d format the intervals as a [low .. high) range of integrals
  • %x formats the intervals as a [low .. high) range of lowercase hex characters
  • %X formats the intervals as a [low .. high) range of uppercase hex characters
  • Example

    import std.conv : to;
    import std.format : format;
    import std.uni : unicode;
    // This was originally using Cyrillic script.
    // Unfortunately this is a pretty active range for changes,
    // and hence broke in an update.
    // Therefore the range Basic latin was used instead as it
    // unlikely to ever change.
    writeln(!string); // "[0..128)"
    // The specs '%s' and '%d' are equivalent to the to!string call above.
    writeln(format("%d", unicode.InBasic_latin)); //!string
    writeln(format("%#x", unicode.InBasic_latin)); // "[0..0x80)"
    writeln(format("%#X", unicode.InBasic_latin)); // "[0..0X80)"


    Dmitry Olshansky


    Boost License 1.0.