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Compiler implementation of the D programming language.

Source lexer.d

static immutable ubyte[256] cmtable;
Do our own char maps
abstract class DiagnosticReporter;
Interface for diagnostic reporting.
abstract int errorCount();
the number of errors that occurred during lexing or parsing.
abstract int warningCount();
the number of warnings that occurred during lexing or parsing.
abstract int deprecationCount();
the number of deprecations that occurred during lexing or parsing.
final void error(ref const Loc loc, const(char)* format, ...);

abstract void error(ref const Loc loc, const(char)* format, va_list args);
Reports an error message.
Loc loc Location of error
const(char)* format format string for error
... format string arguments
final void errorSupplemental(ref const Loc loc, const(char)* format, ...);

abstract void errorSupplemental(ref const Loc loc, const(char)* format, va_list);
Reports additional details about an error message.
Loc loc Location of error
const(char)* format format string for supplemental message
... format string arguments
final void warning(ref const Loc loc, const(char)* format, ...);

abstract void warning(ref const Loc loc, const(char)* format, va_list args);
Reports a warning message.
Loc loc Location of warning
const(char)* format format string for warning
... format string arguments
final void warningSupplemental(ref const Loc loc, const(char)* format, ...);

abstract void warningSupplemental(ref const Loc loc, const(char)* format, va_list);
Reports additional details about a warning message.
Loc loc Location of warning
const(char)* format format string for supplemental message
... format string arguments
final void deprecation(ref const Loc loc, const(char)* format, ...);

abstract void deprecation(ref const Loc loc, const(char)* format, va_list args);
Reports a deprecation message.
Loc loc Location of the deprecation
const(char)* format format string for the deprecation
... format string arguments
final void deprecationSupplemental(ref const Loc loc, const(char)* format, ...);

abstract void deprecationSupplemental(ref const Loc loc, const(char)* format, va_list);
Reports additional details about a deprecation message.
Loc loc Location of deprecation
const(char)* format format string for supplemental message
... format string arguments
class StderrDiagnosticReporter: dmd.lexer.DiagnosticReporter;
Diagnostic reporter which prints the diagnostic messages to stderr.
This is usually the default diagnostic reporter.
this(Diagnostic useDeprecated);
Initializes this object.
Diagnostic useDeprecated indicates how deprecation diagnostics should be handled
class Lexer;
this(const(char)* filename, const(char)* base, size_t begoffset, size_t endoffset, bool doDocComment, bool commentToken, DiagnosticReporter diagnosticReporter);
Creates a Lexer for the source code base[begoffset..endoffset+1]. The last character, base[endoffset], must be null (0) or EOF (0x1A).
const(char)* filename used for error messages
const(char)* base source code, must be terminated by a null (0) or EOF (0x1A) character
size_t begoffset starting offset into base[]
size_t endoffset the last offset to read into base[]
bool doDocComment handle documentation comments
bool commentToken comments become TOK.comment's
DiagnosticReporter diagnosticReporter the diagnostic reporter to use
final bool errors();
true if any errors occurred during lexing or parsing.
pure nothrow @safe Token* allocateToken();
a newly allocated Token.
pure nothrow @nogc @safe void releaseToken(Token* token);
Frees the given token by returning it to the freelist.
final TOK peekNext();
Look ahead at next token's value.
final TOK peekNext2();
Look 2 tokens ahead at value.
final void scan(Token* t);
Turn next token in buffer into a token.
final Token* peekPastParen(Token* tk);
tk is on the opening (. Look ahead and return token that is past the closing ).
final uint escapeSequence();
Parse escape sequence.
static dchar escapeSequence(ref const Loc loc, DiagnosticReporter handler, ref const(char)* sequence);
Parse the given string literal escape sequence into a single character.
Loc loc the location of the current token
DiagnosticReporter handler the diagnostic reporter object
const(char)* sequence pointer to string with escape sequence to parse. this is a reference variable that is also used to return the position after the sequence
the escaped sequence as a single character
final void wysiwygStringConstant(Token* result);
Lex a wysiwyg string. p must be pointing to the first character before the contents of the string literal. The character pointed to by p will be used as the terminating character (i.e. backtick or double-quote).
Token* result pointer to the token that accepts the result
final TOK hexStringConstant(Token* t);
Lex hex strings: x"0A ae 34FE BD"
final void delimitedStringConstant(Token* result);
Lex a delimited string. Some examples of delimited strings are:
q"(foo(xxx))"      // "foo(xxx)"
q"[foo$(LPAREN)]"  // "foo$(LPAREN)"
q"/foo]/"          // "foo]"
HERE"              // "foo\n"
It is assumed that p points to the opening double-quote '"'.
Token* result pointer to the token that accepts the result
final void tokenStringConstant(Token* result);
Lex a token string. Some examples of token strings are:
q{ foo(xxx) }    // " foo(xxx) "
q{foo$(LPAREN)}  // "foo$(LPAREN)"
q{{foo}"}"}      // "{foo}"}""
It is assumed that p points to the opening curly-brace '{'.
Token* result pointer to the token that accepts the result
final void escapeStringConstant(Token* t);
Scan a double-quoted string while building the processed string value by handling escape sequences. The result is returned in the given t token. This function assumes that p currently points to the opening double-quote of the string.
Token* t the token to set the resulting string to
final TOK charConstant(Token* t);
final void stringPostfix(Token* t);
Get postfix of string literal.
final TOK number(Token* t);
Read in a number. If it's an integer, store it in tok.TKutok.Vlong. integers can be decimal, octal or hex Handle the suffixes U, UL, LU, L, etc. If it's double, store it in tok.TKutok.Vdouble.
TKnum TKdouble,...
final TOK inreal(Token* t);
Read in characters, converting them to real.
Exponent overflow not detected. Too much requested precision is not detected.
final void poundLine();
parse: #line linnum [filespec] also allow __LINE__ for linnum, and __FILE__ for filespec
final uint decodeUTF();
Decode UTF character. Issue error messages for invalid sequences. Return decoded character, advance p to last character in UTF sequence.
final void getDocComment(Token* t, uint lineComment, bool newParagraph);
Parse doc comment embedded between t.ptr and p. Remove trailing blanks and tabs from lines. Replace all newlines with \n. Remove leading comment character from each line. Decide if it's a lineComment or a blockComment. Append to previous one for this token.
If newParagraph is true, an extra newline will be added between adjoining doc comments.
static const(char)* combineComments(const(char)* c1, const(char)* c2, bool newParagraph);
Combine two document comments into one, separated by an extra newline if newParagraph is true.