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Encoding / Decoding Base64 format.
Implemented according to RFC 4648 - The Base16.


ubyte[] data = [0x14, 0xfb, 0x9c, 0x03, 0xd9, 0x7e];

const(char)[] encoded = Base64.encode(data);
assert(encoded == "FPucA9l+");

ubyte[] decoded = Base64.decode("FPucA9l+");
assert(decoded == [0x14, 0xfb, 0x9c, 0x03, 0xd9, 0x7e]);

Support Range interface using Encoder / Decoder.


// Create MIME Base64 with CRLF, per line 76.
File f = File("./text.txt", "r");
scope(exit) f.close();

Appender!string mime64 = appender!string;

foreach (encoded; Base64.encoder(f.byChunk(57)))

Masahiro Nakagawa, Daniel Murphy (Single value Encoder and Decoder)

Source: std/base64.d

alias Base64 = Base64Impl!('+', '/', '=');
The Base64
alias Base64URL = Base64Impl!('-', '_', '=');
The "URL and Filename safe" Base64
template Base64Impl(char Map62th, char Map63th, char Padding = '=')
Core implementation for Base64 format.


alias Base64   = Base64Impl!('+', '/');                    // The Base64 format(Already defined).
alias Base64Re = Base64Impl!('!', '=', Base64.NoPadding);  // non-standard Base64 format for Regular expression

NOTE: encoded-string doesn't have padding character if set Padding parameter to NoPadding.

pure nothrow @safe size_t encodeLength(in size_t sourceLength);
Calculates the minimum length for encoding.
size_t sourceLength the length of source array.
the calculated length using sourceLength.
pure @trusted char[] encode(R1, R2)(in R1 source, R2 buffer) if (isArray!R1 && is(ElementType!R1 : ubyte) && is(R2 == char[]));
char[] encode(R1, R2)(R1 source, R2 buffer) if (!isArray!R1 && isInputRange!R1 && is(ElementType!R1 : ubyte) && hasLength!R1 && is(R2 == char[]));
Encodes source into buffer.
R1 source an InputRange to encode.
R2 buffer a buffer to store encoded result.
the encoded string that slices buffer.
size_t encode(R1, R2)(in R1 source, R2 range) if (isArray!R1 && is(ElementType!R1 : ubyte) && !is(R2 == char[]));
size_t encode(R1, R2)(R1 source, R2 range) if (!isArray!R1 && isInputRange!R1 && is(ElementType!R1 : ubyte) && hasLength!R1 && !is(R2 == char[]) && isOutputRange!(R2, char));
Encodes source into range.
R1 source an InputRange to encode.
R2 range an OutputRange to put encoded result.
the number of calling put.
pure @safe char[] encode(Range)(Range source) if (isArray!Range && is(ElementType!Range : ubyte));
char[] encode(Range)(Range source) if (!isArray!Range && isInputRange!Range && is(ElementType!Range : ubyte) && hasLength!Range);
Encodes source to new buffer.
Shortcut to encode(source, buffer) function.
struct Encoder(Range) if (isInputRange!Range && (is(ElementType!Range : const(ubyte)[]) || is(ElementType!Range : const(char)[])));
Range that encodes chunk data at a time.
@property @trusted bool empty();
Range primitive operation that checks iteration state.
true if there are no more elements to be iterated.
nothrow @property @safe char[] front();
Range primitive operation that returns the currently iterated element.
the encoded string.
void popFront();
Range primitive operation that advances the range to its next element.
an Exception when you try to call popFront on empty range.
@property typeof(this) save();
Captures a Range state.
a copy of this.
struct Encoder(Range) if (isInputRange!Range && is(ElementType!Range : ubyte));
Range that encodes single character at a time.
const nothrow @property @safe bool empty();
Range primitive operation that checks iteration state.
true if there are no more elements to be iterated.
nothrow @property @safe ubyte front();
Range primitive operation that returns the currently iterated element.
the encoded character.
void popFront();
Range primitive operation that advances the range to its next element.
an Exception when you try to call popFront on empty range.
@property typeof(this) save();
Captures a Range state.
a copy of this.
Encoder!Range encoder(Range)(Range range) if (isInputRange!Range);
Iterates through an InputRange at a time by using Encoder.
Default Encoder encodes chunk data.


File f = File("text.txt", "r");
scope(exit) f.close();

uint line = 0;
foreach (encoded; Base64.encoder(f.byLine()))
    writeln(++line, ". ", encoded);

In addition, You can use Encoder that returns encoded single character. This Encoder performs Range-based and lazy encoding.


ubyte[] data = cast(ubyte[]) "0123456789";

// The ElementType of data is not aggregation type
foreach (encoded; Base64.encoder(data))
Range range an InputRange to iterate.
a Encoder object instantiated and initialized according to the arguments.
pure nothrow @safe size_t decodeLength(in size_t sourceLength);
Calculates the minimum length for decoding.
size_t sourceLength the length of source array.
calculated length using sourceLength.
pure @trusted ubyte[] decode(R1, R2)(in R1 source, R2 buffer) if (isArray!R1 && is(ElementType!R1 : dchar) && is(R2 == ubyte[]) && isOutputRange!(R2, ubyte));
ubyte[] decode(R1, R2)(R1 source, R2 buffer) if (!isArray!R1 && isInputRange!R1 && is(ElementType!R1 : dchar) && hasLength!R1 && is(R2 == ubyte[]) && isOutputRange!(R2, ubyte));
Decodes source into buffer.
R1 source an InputRange to decode.
R2 buffer a buffer to store decoded result.
the decoded string that slices buffer.
an Exception if source has character outside base-alphabet.
size_t decode(R1, R2)(in R1 source, R2 range) if (isArray!R1 && is(ElementType!R1 : dchar) && !is(R2 == ubyte[]) && isOutputRange!(R2, ubyte));
size_t decode(R1, R2)(R1 source, R2 range) if (!isArray!R1 && isInputRange!R1 && is(ElementType!R1 : dchar) && hasLength!R1 && !is(R2 == ubyte[]) && isOutputRange!(R2, ubyte));
Decodes source into range.
R1 source an InputRange to decode.
R2 range an OutputRange to put decoded result
the number of calling put.
an Exception if source has character outside base-alphabet.
pure @safe ubyte[] decode(Range)(Range source) if (isArray!Range && is(ElementType!Range : dchar));
ubyte[] decode(Range)(Range source) if (!isArray!Range && isInputRange!Range && is(ElementType!Range : dchar) && hasLength!Range);
Decodes source into new buffer.
Shortcut to decode(source, buffer) function.
struct Decoder(Range) if (isInputRange!Range && (is(ElementType!Range : const(char)[]) || is(ElementType!Range : const(ubyte)[])));
Range that decodes chunk data at a time.
@property @trusted bool empty();
Range primitive operation that checks iteration state.
true if there are no more elements to be iterated.
nothrow @property @safe ubyte[] front();
Range primitive operation that returns the currently iterated element.
the decoded result.
void popFront();
Range primitive operation that advances the range to its next element.
an Exception when you try to call popFront on empty range.
@property typeof(this) save();
Captures a Range state.
a copy of this.
struct Decoder(Range) if (isInputRange!Range && is(ElementType!Range : char));
Range that decodes single character at a time.
const nothrow @property @safe bool empty();
Range primitive operation that checks iteration state.
true if there are no more elements to be iterated.
nothrow @property @safe ubyte front();
Range primitive operation that returns the currently iterated element.
the decoded result.
void popFront();
Range primitive operation that advances the range to its next element.
an Exception when you try to call popFront on empty range.
@property typeof(this) save();
Captures a Range state.
a copy of this.
Decoder!Range decoder(Range)(Range range) if (isInputRange!Range);
Iterates through an InputRange at a time by using Decoder.
Default Decoder decodes chunk data.


foreach (decoded; Base64.decoder(stdin.byLine()))

In addition, You can use Decoder that returns decoded single character. This Decoder performs Range-based and lazy decoding.


auto encoded = Base64.encoder(cast(ubyte[])"0123456789");
foreach (n; map!q{a - '0'}(Base64.decoder(encoded)))

NOTE: If you use ByChunk, chunk-size should be the multiple of 4. Decoder can't judge a encode-boundary.

Range range an InputRange to iterate.
a Decoder object instantiated and initialized according to the arguments.
class Base64Exception: object.Exception;
Exception thrown on Base64 errors.