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Compiler implementation of the D programming language.

Source: dstruct.d

FuncDeclaration search_toString(StructDeclaration sd);
Search sd for a member function of the form: extern (D) string toString();
StructDeclaration sd struct declaration to search
FuncDeclaration of toString() if found, null if not
void semanticTypeInfo(Scope* sc, Type t);
Request additional semantic analysis for TypeInfo generation.
Scope* sc context
Type t type that TypeInfo is being generated for

Jump to: fit · isPOD

class StructDeclaration: ddmd.aggregate.AggregateDeclaration;
All struct declarations are an instance of this.
final bool fit(Loc loc, Scope* sc, Expressions* elements, Type stype);
Fit elements[] to the corresponding types of the struct's fields.
Loc loc location to use for error messages
Scope* sc context
Expressions* elements explicit arguments used to construct object
Type stype the constructed object type.
false if any errors occur, otherwise true and elements[] are rewritten for the output.
final bool isPOD();
Determine if struct is POD (Plain Old Data).
POD is defined as:
  1. not nested
  2. no postblits, destructors, or assignment operators
  3. no ref fields or fields that are themselves non-POD
The idea being these are compatible with C structs.
true if struct is POD
class UnionDeclaration: ddmd.dstruct.StructDeclaration;
Unions are a variation on structs.