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Compiler implementation of the D programming language.
bool checkFrameAccess(Loc loc, Scope* sc, AggregateDeclaration ad, size_t iStart = 0);
Check to see the aggregate type is nested and its context pointer is accessible from the current scope. Returns true if error occurs.
bool modifyFieldVar(Loc loc, Scope* sc, VarDeclaration var, Expression e1);
Mark variable v as modified if it is inside a constructor that var is a field in.
void ObjectNotFound(Identifier id);
abstract class Declaration: dmd.dsymbol.Dsymbol;
final bool checkDisabled(Loc loc, Scope* sc, bool isAliasedDeclaration = false);
Issue an error if an attempt to call a disabled method is made
If the declaration is disabled but inside a disabled function, returns true but do not issue an error message.
Loc loc Location information of the call
Scope* sc Scope in which the call occurs
bool isAliasedDeclaration if true searches overload set
true if this Declaration is @disabled, false otherwise.
final Modifiable checkModify(Loc loc, Scope* sc, Expression e1, int flag);
Check to see if declaration can be modified in this context (sc). Issue error if not.
Loc loc location for error messages
Expression e1 null or this expression when this declaration is a field
Scope* sc context
int flag !=0 means do not issue error message for invalid modification
Modifiable.yes or Modifiable.initialization
class TupleDeclaration: dmd.declaration.Declaration;
class AliasDeclaration: dmd.declaration.Declaration;
class OverDeclaration: dmd.declaration.Declaration;
class VarDeclaration: dmd.declaration.Declaration;
final bool isDataseg();
Does symbol go into data segment? Includes extern variables.
final bool isThreadlocal();
Does symbol go into thread local storage?
final bool isCTFE();
Can variable be read and written by CTFE?
final bool canTakeAddressOf();
Return true if we can take the address of this variable.
final bool needsScopeDtor();
Return true if variable needs to call the destructor.
final Expression callScopeDtor(Scope* sc);
If a variable has a scope destructor call, return call for it. Otherwise, return NULL.
final Expression getConstInitializer(bool needFullType = true);
If variable has a constant expression initializer, get it. Otherwise, return null.
final Expression expandInitializer(Loc loc);
Helper function for the expansion of manifest constant.
final bool checkNestedReference(Scope* sc, Loc loc);
Check to see if this variable is actually in an enclosing function rather than the current one. Returns true if error occurs.
final const pure bool enclosesLifetimeOf(VarDeclaration v);
Determine if this has a lifetime that lasts past the destruction of v
VarDeclaration v variable to test against
true if it does
final void addMaybe(VarDeclaration v);
Add variable to maybes[]. When a maybescope variable v is assigned to a maybescope variable this, we cannot determine if this is actually scope until the semantic analysis for the function is completed. Thus, we save the data until then.
VarDeclaration v an STC.maybescope variable that was assigned to this
class SymbolDeclaration: dmd.declaration.Declaration;
This is a shell around a back end symbol
class TypeInfoDeclaration: dmd.declaration.VarDeclaration;
class TypeInfoStructDeclaration: dmd.declaration.TypeInfoDeclaration;
class TypeInfoClassDeclaration: dmd.declaration.TypeInfoDeclaration;
class TypeInfoInterfaceDeclaration: dmd.declaration.TypeInfoDeclaration;
class TypeInfoPointerDeclaration: dmd.declaration.TypeInfoDeclaration;
class TypeInfoArrayDeclaration: dmd.declaration.TypeInfoDeclaration;
class TypeInfoStaticArrayDeclaration: dmd.declaration.TypeInfoDeclaration;
class TypeInfoAssociativeArrayDeclaration: dmd.declaration.TypeInfoDeclaration;
class TypeInfoEnumDeclaration: dmd.declaration.TypeInfoDeclaration;
class TypeInfoFunctionDeclaration: dmd.declaration.TypeInfoDeclaration;
class TypeInfoDelegateDeclaration: dmd.declaration.TypeInfoDeclaration;
class TypeInfoTupleDeclaration: dmd.declaration.TypeInfoDeclaration;
class TypeInfoConstDeclaration: dmd.declaration.TypeInfoDeclaration;
class TypeInfoInvariantDeclaration: dmd.declaration.TypeInfoDeclaration;
class TypeInfoSharedDeclaration: dmd.declaration.TypeInfoDeclaration;
class TypeInfoWildDeclaration: dmd.declaration.TypeInfoDeclaration;
class TypeInfoVectorDeclaration: dmd.declaration.TypeInfoDeclaration;
class ThisDeclaration: dmd.declaration.VarDeclaration;
For the "this" parameter to member functions