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Module std.xml

Warning: This module is considered out-dated and not up to Phobos' current standards. It will be removed from Phobos in 2.101.0. If you still need it, go to

Classes and functions for creating and parsing XML

The basic architecture of this module is that there are standalone functions, classes for constructing an XML document from scratch (Tag, Element and Document), and also classes for parsing a pre-existing XML file (ElementParser and DocumentParser). The parsing classes may be used to build a Document, but that is not their primary purpose. The handling capabilities of DocumentParser and ElementParser are sufficiently customizable that you can make them do pretty much whatever you want.


This example creates a DOM (Document Object Model) tree from an XML file.

import std.xml;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.file;

// books.xml is used in various samples throughout the Microsoft XML Core
// Services (MSXML) SDK.
// See

void main()
    string s = cast(string) read("books.xml");

    // Check for well-formedness

    // Make a DOM tree
    auto doc = new Document(s);

    // Plain-print it


This example does much the same thing, except that the file is deconstructed and reconstructed by hand. This is more work, but the techniques involved offer vastly more power.

import std.xml;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;

struct Book
    string id;
    string author;
    string title;
    string genre;
    string price;
    string pubDate;
    string description;

void main()
    string s = cast(string) read("books.xml");

    // Check for well-formedness

    // Take it apart
    Book[] books;

    auto xml = new DocumentParser(s);
    xml.onStartTag["book"] = (ElementParser xml)
        Book book; = xml.tag.attr["id"];

        xml.onEndTag["author"]       = (in Element e) {      = e.text(); };
        xml.onEndTag["title"]        = (in Element e) { book.title       = e.text(); };
        xml.onEndTag["genre"]        = (in Element e) { book.genre       = e.text(); };
        xml.onEndTag["price"]        = (in Element e) { book.price       = e.text(); };
        xml.onEndTag["publish-date"] = (in Element e) { book.pubDate     = e.text(); };
        xml.onEndTag["description"]  = (in Element e) { book.description = e.text(); };


        books ~= book;

    // Put it back together again;
    auto doc = new Document(new Tag("catalog"));
    foreach (book;books)
        auto element = new Element("book");
        element.tag.attr["id"] =;

        element ~= new Element("author",;
        element ~= new Element("title",       book.title);
        element ~= new Element("genre",       book.genre);
        element ~= new Element("price",       book.price);
        element ~= new Element("publish-date",book.pubDate);
        element ~= new Element("description", book.description);

        doc ~= element;

    // Pretty-print it


check(s) Check an entire XML document for well-formedness
decode(s, mode) Decodes a string by unescaping all predefined XML entities.
encode(s) Encodes a string by replacing all characters which need to be escaped with appropriate predefined XML entities.
isBaseChar(c) Returns true if the character is a base character according to the XML standard
isChar(c) Returns true if the character is a character according to the XML standard
isCombiningChar(c) Returns true if the character is a combining character according to the XML standard
isDigit(c) Returns true if the character is a digit according to the XML standard
isExtender(c) Returns true if the character is an extender according to the XML standard
isIdeographic(c) Returns true if the character is an ideographic character according to the XML standard
isLetter(c) Returns true if the character is a letter according to the XML standard
isSpace(c) Returns true if the character is whitespace according to the XML standard


CData Class representing a Character Data section
CDataException Thrown during CData constructor
CheckException Thrown during check()
Comment Class representing a comment
CommentException Thrown during Comment constructor
DecodeException Thrown during decode()
Document Class representing an XML document.
DocumentParser Class for parsing an XML Document.
Element Class representing an XML element.
ElementParser Class for parsing an XML element.
InvalidTypeException Thrown if comparing with wrong type
Item Abstract base class for XML items
PIException Thrown during ProcessingInstruction constructor
ProcessingInstruction Class representing a Processing Instruction section
Tag Class representing an XML tag.
TagException Thrown when parsing for Tags
Text Class representing a text (aka Parsed Character Data) section
TextException Thrown during Text constructor
XIException Thrown during XMLInstruction constructor
XMLException The base class for exceptions thrown by this module
XMLInstruction Class representing an XML Instruction section


DecodeMode Mode to use for decoding.
TagType Tag types.


Janice Caron


Boost License 1.0.