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Function std.file.rename

Rename file from to to, moving it between directories if required. If the target file exists, it is overwritten.

void rename(RF, RT) (
  RF from,
  RT to
if ((isInputRange!RF && !isInfinite!RF && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!RF) || isSomeString!RF) && !isConvertibleToString!RF && (isInputRange!RT && !isInfinite!RT && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!RT) || isSomeString!RT) && !isConvertibleToString!RT);

void rename(RF, RT) (
  auto ref RF from,
  auto ref RT to
if (isConvertibleToString!RF || isConvertibleToString!RT);

It is not possible to rename a file across different mount points or drives. On POSIX, the operation is atomic. That means, if to already exists there will be no time period during the operation where to is missing. See manpage for rename for more details.


from string or range of characters representing the existing file name
to string or range of characters representing the target file name


FileException on error.


auto t1 = deleteme, t2 = deleteme~"2";
scope(exit) foreach (t; [t1, t2]) if (t.exists) t.remove();

writeln(t2.readText); // "1"

writeln(t2.readText); // "2"


Walter Bright, Andrei Alexandrescu, Jonathan M Davis


Boost License 1.0.