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Invoke the linker as a separate process.

Source link.d

int runLINK();
Run the linker. Return status of execution.
int runProgram();
Run the compiled program. Return exit status.
int runPreprocessor(const(char)[] cpp, const(char)[] filename, const(char)* importc_h, ref Array!(const(char)*) cppswitches, const(char)[] output, OutBuffer* defines);
Run the C preprocessor.
const(char)[] cpp name of C preprocessor program
const(char)[] filename C source file name
const(char)* importc_h filename of importc.h
Array!(const(char)*) cppswitches array of switches to pass to C preprocessor
const(char)[] output preprocessed output file name
OutBuffer* defines buffer to append any #define and #undef lines encountered to
exit status.