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Jump to: fromMBSz · toMBSz

Support UTF-8 on Windows 95, 98 and ME systems.
const(char)* toMBSz(scope const(char)[] s, uint codePage = 0);
Converts the UTF-8 string s into a null-terminated string in a Windows 8-bit character set.
const(char)[] s UTF-8 string to convert.
uint codePage is the number of the target codepage, or 0 - ANSI, 1 - OEM, 2 - Mac
yaneurao, Walter Bright, Stewart Gordon
string fromMBSz(immutable(char)* s, int codePage = 0);
Converts the null-terminated string s from a Windows 8-bit character set into a UTF-8 char array.
immutable(char)* s UTF-8 string to convert.
int codePage is the number of the source codepage, or 0 - ANSI, 1 - OEM, 2 - Mac
Stewart Gordon, Walter Bright