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Function std.bigint.BigInt.opCmp

Implements 3-way comparisons of BigInt with BigInt or BigInt with built-in numeric types.

int opCmp (
  ref const(BigInt) y
) pure nothrow @nogc @safe const;

int opCmp(T) (
  const T y
) const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
if (isIntegral!T);

int opCmp(T) (
  const T y
) const nothrow @nogc @safe
if (isFloatingPoint!T);

int opCmp(T) (
  const T y
) const pure nothrow @nogc @safe;


auto x = BigInt("100");
auto y = BigInt("10");
int z = 50;
const int w = 200;

assert(y < x);
assert(x > z);
assert(z > y);
assert(x < w);

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auto x = BigInt("0x1abc_de80_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000");
BigInt y = x - 1;
BigInt z = x + 1;

double d = 0x1.abcde8p124;
assert(y < d);
assert(z > d);
assert(x >= d && x <= d);

// Note that when comparing a BigInt to a float or double the
// full precision of the BigInt is always considered, unlike
// when comparing an int to a float or a long to a double.
assert(BigInt(123456789) < cast(float) 123456789);

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Don Clugston


Boost License 1.0.