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Implementation of code coverage analyzer.
Distributed under the Boost Software License 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE)
Walter Bright, Sean Kelly

Source rt/cover.d

void dmd_coverSourcePath(string pathname);
Set path to where source files are located.
string pathname The new path name.
void dmd_coverDestPath(string pathname);
Set path to where listing files are to be written.
string pathname The new path name.
void dmd_coverSetMerge(bool flag);
Set merge mode.
bool flag true means new data is summed with existing data in the listing file; false means a new listing file is always created.
void _d_cover_register2(string filename, size_t[] valid, uint[] data, ubyte minPercent);
The coverage callback.
string filename The name of the coverage file.
size_t[] valid Bit array containing the valid code lines for coverage
uint[] data Array containg the coverage hits of each line
ubyte minPercent minimal coverage of the module