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- T
(T, Range, Char)(ref Rangeinput
, ref scope const FormatSpec!Charspec
if (isInputRange!Range && isIntegral!T && !is(T == enum) && isSomeChar!(ElementType!Range));
(T, Range, Char)(ref Rangeinput
, ref scope const FormatSpec!Charspec
if (isFloatingPoint!T && !is(T == enum) && isInputRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementType!Range) && !is(Range == enum));
(T, Range, Char)(ref Rangeinput
, ref scope const FormatSpec!Charspec
if (isInputRange!Range && isSomeChar!T && !is(T == enum) && isSomeChar!(ElementType!Range));
(T, Range, Char)(ref Rangeinput
, ref scope const FormatSpec!Charfmt
if (isInputRange!Range && is(StringTypeOf!T) && !isAggregateType!T && !is(T == enum));
(T, Range, Char)(ref Rangeinput
, ref scope const FormatSpec!Charfmt
if (isInputRange!Range && isArray!T && !is(StringTypeOf!T) && !isAggregateType!T && !is(T == enum));
(T, Range, Char)(ref Rangeinput
, ref scope const FormatSpec!Charfmt
if (isInputRange!Range && isAssociativeArray!T && !is(T == enum)); - ditto
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