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This module contains compiler support for constructing dynamic arrays
Distributed under the Boost Software License 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE)
@trusted Tarr _d_arrayctor(Tarr : T[], T)(return scope Tarr to, scope Tarr from, char* makeWeaklyPure = null);
Does array initialization (not assignment) from another array of the same element type.
Tarr to what array to initialize
Tarr from what data the array should be initialized with
char* makeWeaklyPure unused; its purpose is to prevent the function from becoming strongly pure and risk being optimised out
The created and initialized array to
This function template was ported from a much older runtime hook that bypassed safety, purity, and throwabilty checks. To prevent breaking existing code, this function template is temporarily declared @trusted until the implementation can be brought up to modern D expectations.
The third parameter is never used, but is necessary in order for the function be treated as weakly pure, instead of strongly pure. This is needed because constructions such as the one below can be ignored by the compiler if _d_arrayctor is believed to be pure, because purity would mean the call to _d_arrayctor has no effects (no side effects and the return value is ignored), despite it actually modifying the contents of a. const S[2] b; const S[2] a = b; // this would get lowered to d_arrayctor(a, b)
@trusted void _d_arraysetctor(Tarr : T[], T)(scope Tarr p, ref scope T value);
Do construction of an array. ti[count] p = value;
Tarr p what array to initialize
T value what data to construct the array with
This function template was ported from a much older runtime hook that bypassed safety, purity, and throwabilty checks. To prevent breaking existing code, this function template is temporarily declared @trusted until the implementation can be brought up to modern D expectations.
pure nothrow @nogc @trusted T[] _d_newarrayU(T)(size_t length, bool isShared = false);

@trusted T[] _d_newarrayT(T)(size_t length, bool isShared = false);
Allocate an array with the garbage collector. Also initalize elements if their type has an initializer. Otherwise, not zero-initialize the array.
Has three variants: _d_newarrayU leaves elements uninitialized _d_newarrayT initializes to 0 or based on initializer
size_t length .length of resulting array
newly allocated array