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Jump to: NullAllocator

struct NullAllocator;
NullAllocator is an emphatically empty implementation of the allocator interface. Although it has no direct use, it is useful as a "terminator" in composite allocators.
enum uint alignment;
NullAllocator advertises a relatively large alignment equal to 64 KB. This is because NullAllocator never actually needs to honor this alignment and because composite allocators using NullAllocator shouldn't be unnecessarily constrained.
shared void[] allocate(size_t);
Always returns null.
shared void[] alignedAllocate(size_t, uint);
Always returns null.
shared void[] allocateAll();
Always returns null.
shared bool expand(ref void[] b, size_t s);

shared bool reallocate(ref void[] b, size_t);

shared bool alignedReallocate(ref void[] b, size_t, uint);
These methods return false.

Precondition: b is null. This is because there is no other possible legitimate input.

shared const Ternary owns(void[]);
shared const Ternary resolveInternalPointer(const void*, ref void[]);
shared bool deallocate(void[] b);

Precondition: b is null

shared bool deallocateAll();
shared const Ternary empty();
Returns Ternary.yes.
static shared NullAllocator instance;
Returns the shared global instance of the NullAllocator.